I guess the only way to get far Leftists to acknowledge that violent radical Islam is a bad thing is to compare it to Donald Trump.

What makes this even more delicious is that like everything the Left does, this is projection.  It’s not Trump radicalizing his supporters to violence, it’s the Left doing that.

Now Joy Reid is being called Islamophobic for saying the one true thing she has ever said in her entire life, that radical Islam is violent.



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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Watching cognitive dissonance live on MSNBC”
  1. Radicalized far extreme anything is generally violent and dangerous. That includes the far right extremists.

    However, I am glad to see a far left idiot talk about how violent islam is on a regular basis. It is about time they stopped pretending that every muslim is one step away from sainthood, and every islamic act of terrorism has NOTHING to do with islam.

  2. I wish someone would explain to me what a “far right extremist” is. Both international socialists and national socialists are on the left–neither is on the right. It’s difficult, but important, not to be sucked into using Newspeak.

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