Despite much touting, this is not turning out to be a good year for the Gun Control Cults. The Zimmerman Trial was the latest catastrophe, something they felt sure would turn the awful laws in this country. And even the Gun Control laws passed in Colorado did not come without consequences as the mayor players on shoving these perversions down are facing recalls and a substantial majority of Sheriffs are not going to mind the laws. New York is now tangled in the inefficiency and stupidity of the Safe Act and Connecticut should be also on its way to become New Jersey Redux. Ooops! I almost forgot Illinois dealing with the fact that they finally are forced to issue permits to carry conceal. Again, not a good year.

Still, it has been a grueling half a year for us; a time out is much-needed. Don’t worry, the congressional hearings on Stand Your Ground are doubtful to happen and the DOJ investigation on the Martin justifiable homicide will go nowhere when even the ACLU says it would be an exaggerated overreaching. What we need to do is get our range bags, go to our favorite shooting spot and send some lead downrange. After that, grab yourself a cold beverage of choice and enjoy something with lots of fireworks on the TV. I am going with The Unit: Season 2.

And of course, get ready for the next round.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “We certainly need a vacation.”
  1. In CT we have two different lawsuits I know of; one filed by disabled individuals ( not sure if there is an organization attached to it) and one filed by ccdl. Pink pistols, retired and active duty law enforcement, and NRA have filed amicus briefs for the ccdl lawsuit. Right now the first order of business is obtaining and injunction. I believe preliminary move for injunction was dismissed because the courts were waiting to see if more lawsuits would come out of the wood work.

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