So Fidelista Emma does advocate confiscation after all.  And you want to know something? I am sure she is not including her family’s semi automatic weapons in the mix. Cuban family without a machete and a pistol hidden around the house is sent back to Cuba by its peers.

She was addressing the Waffle House shooting in Nashville where a man killed 4 people and had his rifle wrestled away by a patron. This tweet from Emma was just too funny.

Given that the shooter, one Travis Reinking, (who believed singer Taylor Swift was stalking him) was only wearing a green jacket and nothing else at the time of the shooting either makes him crazy or a Hippy.  And Emma wrong…again.

PS: Waffle House has a No Gun policy and IIRC, in Tennessee the signs do carry the weight of the law unlike Florida.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on ““We don’t want to take your guns, we just want to take your guns that we don’t like.””
  1. One hopes the Waffle House management will reconsider its foolish policy. But chances are they won’t have that much good sense.

    1. I heard that his FOID was cancelled and his firearms removed at the request of the Secret Service after being arrested for trespassing at the White House. Not sure how he got them back. Nice to know the system works (NOT).

        1. The father supposedly promised not to do that. One wonders if there will be any adverse consequences. Probably not, at least not if he’s a Democrat.

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