In a home built 45 years before the Second Amendment, six scared kids hid after their teacher and 20 classmates were shot dead. Our nation’s fathers would be weeping with the angels.

via What if the Founding Fathers Saw Newtown? – The Daily Beast.

And immediately after they would find the idiots that proposed the Gun Free Schools bill, have them tarred & feather and sent away to live their lives in shame for the pain they created…or get the noose over a tall branch.
Specter, Simon, Feinstein, Bradley, Lautenberg, Chafee, Kerrey, Biden, Hatch, Thurmond, Simpson, and Kennedy were the sponsors of the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1995. A couple are no longer with us but the rest deserve our contempt at the highest degree.

Each and every one of the above are the first batch that get their hands bloodied every time a preventable school shooting has happened.  But instead they are hailed as heroes and bask on the recognition by the media and assorted gun control bottom lickers.

I find amazing that the chickens have no problem with the idiots that ordered the hen-house be left open and the dog sent away.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “What if the Founding Fathers Saw Newtown? – The Daily Beast”
  1. In 1746 the homeowner probably would have taken his musket, pistol, knife or axe etc. and gone after the the lone lunatic and taken care of business.

  2. You mean the same Founding Fathers who had just fought a bloody revolution to gain their independence? The same guys who, after the so called “Wiskey Rebellion” STILL did not call for gun control and a governmental monopoly on violence?

  3. I did a little happy dance when Kennedy died (and he is still drunk I understand) and will have a party when the enemy of freedom, the despicable Feinstein is dragged down to hell. She is convinced that confiscation is Constitutional and will work. Can we remove her for her proven insanity?

    The fact that heavily armed police are sent to any school shooting to deal with one of those SOBs shows unequivocally that the politicians that created GFZs are partly responsible for the murders of innocents.

    Anyone who believes in or supports GFZs needs to have their head examined and be removed from public office.

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