Visitors have scratched messages onto bunks where prisoners once slept, and people are increasingly removing “souvenirs” from the camp that claimed the lives of more than a million people during the Second World War.
In some cases vandals have etched their name with the tag “was here” onto walls and furniture, while one wrote “I had a smoke here”. Others have stolen items such as bits of barbed wire and spikes from railway line that transported people to the infamous camp that operated in German occupied Poland during the war.

via Auschwitz museum hit by thefts as visitors remove ‘souvenirs’ from Nazi death camp – Telegraph.

OK, what kind of sick heartless fuck does shit like this? How disconnected from basic humanity can you be to treat Auschwitz like it was DisneyWorld? 

And yet, it explains how the Final Solution came to happen.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Why don’t you get some ashes while you are at it? (Language Warning)”
  1. I assume some of them are high school teenagers who don’t give a fuck (whether during the earlier history lessons or on-site).

  2. Yeah don’t get it myself. They’ve had to put a fence around Plymouth Rock because people would bring their rock hammers and carve off their own slice of history.

    And that isn’t even the REAL rock….there might not even BE a real rock.

    At least that isn’t sick and macabre as what these jerks are doing!

  3. Our local school had the kids make or copy pro-Nazi propaganda and post them around school. The one in the entry that greeted everyone was a caricature of a Jewish man with 2 lines in English that advocated his murder and the genocide of his people.

    The student teacher, teacher and principal all approved the assignment. They were shocked that I as a Christian pastor was so upset. They tried rationalizing it as a teaching opportunity.

    I took photos. I’ve been trying to decide the right thing to do since. They did eventually take it down, but never admitted any wrongdoing.

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