So the Biden administration has been asking Americans, American allies, and others who are trapped in Afghanistan to register with the State Department so they could be evacuated. The state department then gave the Taliban that list.

They can’t be that stupid. It MUST be deliberate. By giving the Taliban this list, the Biden administration just signed the death warrant of each and every one of those people

It HAS to be deliberate – Area Ocho

Let  me tell you a little story. It is not as dramatic as what is happening right now with Americans in Kabul being snitched by our own State Department, but it is why I do also believe it was deliberately.

After the missus and I married, we started proceedings to get her the necessary local  IDs and since she married a national, she automatically became a Venezuelan citizen. As everything government paperwork down there, it was a hot mess, slow and with rules and stupidity almost beyond comprehension and one of the things that happened was her US passport was retained/kept/got lost (Take your pick) and for a while she has no valid ID whatsoever. She is a smart however and still had both her U.S. issued Drivers License, SS card and Birth Certificate so in a sense, if shit hit the fan, she could produce some sort of identification.

She eventually got both Venezuelan ID (cedula) and passport, but her US Passport was gone. And then her grandfather died and she wanted to go to his funeral, but she could not go back because lack of passport and airlines would not sell her a ticket without proof and she could not get a visa because she was actually an American Citizen which does not need one, but needs to prove it is one with a US passport which she did not have.

We went to the consular office in Caracas and explained to the bored-looking lady our issue. Her passport was for all intents lost and she needed a new one issued just like all the Americans in the past that had their passports lost or stolen while traveling abroad.  The Sate Department “lady” looked at us like we were bothering her and she was late to her afternoon blow job, so she produced a huge stack of forms, told her to fill the appropriate blank spaces and turning them in to her.

It was a lot of crap to be filled and my wife was not in the best of minds because she was grieving for her beloved grandfather. I was reading along and trying to make sense of what seemed an overly complicated document for a passport loss, so I went back to the counter and asked help on a couple of questions. There was a new person behind the glass, a young man who regretfully informed me that he could not help. WTF? I asked him again and after a quick glance sideways, he told me in hushed tones that he was ordered not to help my wife.

That triggered a whole slew of alarm bells in my head. I returned to my wife, told her to stop what was she doing that something was not right and we left the embassy post haste. She was not happy, in fact she was crying not understanding what was going on and the funeral for her grandfather was 2 days away. When we got home, I sat with the stack of papers and read them carefully. Do you guys know what the paperwork was truly about?  Not loss of a passport and requesting a new one, but a request to renounce American Citizenship abroad. The missus read the paperwork herself and boy did she got mad because the double whammy of not being able to say goodbye to her beloved grandpa and that some State department asshole bitch almost got her in serious shit for whatever petty reasons she may have had.

We contacted her dad and sent the paperwork that was given to us alongside sworn statements of what had happened. It took a congressional inquiry to get shit straight and almost a year of waiting before my wife was able to get a new passport which was handed to her directly by the vice consul with his apologies for the actions of the individual who was no longer a member of the staff, nor remained in Venezuela (she probably got reassigned somewhere nice but quiet while things cooled off).

Like I said, this was not a monumental fuck up like the one happening now or what happened in Benghazi, but if you trust the State Department, you risk that they will fuck your life on purpose because they can and there is no punishment if they do.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Why I do not trust the State Department”
  1. Wow. I suppose there is a small possibility that this was a paperwork mistake, but I can’t make myself believe it. Which means the person perpetrating it deserves to be convicted of treason.

  2. I use to live in Maryland. They had the normal government DMV with the horrible horrible wait times and shitty ways to do things.

    Get in line at the door. Get to the front of the line, tell the lady what you wanted. She tells you to get in different line. Make your way to the front of that line and push a button. Out spits a ticket.

    Wait for you number… and so forth and so on for an hour or more. My “favorite” was getting to the front of the line, having the lady take my paperwork, hand me another piece of paper. Waiting in line, getting to the front of the line and handing that piece of paper to the same lady. *GRRR*

    BUT, dotted all over the place were these little “Consumer DMVs” These were businesses that paid the DMV for the right to do the DMVs job. You could go in, a smiling person took your paperwork, got it all processed, charged you a small fee over the cost of DMV fees and sent you on your way. Generally about 10 to 15 minutes total time, most of it doing paperwork required by DMV.

    If they couldn’t handle it, they would help you get all your paperwork done, then send you to the government DMV where you knew which line to get into, which button to press and what to expect.

    The government messes up everything they touch.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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