And that post does not include the grim reality that 14 people were killed in Gun Control Chicago: The shinning beacon of Gun Control in the US.

And the hits against Moms Demand do not stop there. We have seen Shannon Watts and the MDA lot, taking  a more Anti-Cop approach betting on the Race Card helping her fuel her way to D.C. may it be congress or straight to the White House. But we also had the execution of a Black and or Latino NYPD officer by the hands of a cop hater who left a video rant with all the characteristics of the hateful speech Black Live Matters has us accustomed.

How is it that a group like Moms Demand is even afforded a quarter of an inch space on any newspaper and more than 5 seconds on audio-visual media?  Our side gets maligned when we point out the failures of MDA and Hilary 2.0 and also blamed for the deaths caused by years of Liberal treatment of the worst Society has to produce as human predators.

And there will be more deaths. Chicago will see more people getting killed because the experiment most continue regardless the morbidity. They know they are right and that peace eventually will come to the beleaguered streets of the Windy City because they know what they are doing.

And in a way they may achieve that peace… when they run out of people to be killed.  Cemeteries are rather peaceful places.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on “Why is anybody paying attention to Gun Control?”
  1. Six were killed and twenty eight were just wounded in a six hour period from 10 pm Tuesday to 4 am Wednesday. That was a bloody ugly fireworks display.

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