“IS NO PLACE SACRED?” Asks Shannon Watts. The answer for a “protected group” is a resounding no.

A priest and several churchgoers have been taken hostage by fighters in Marawi City, on the Philippine island of Mindanao, as thousands of residents fled ongoing unrest that prompted President Rodrigo Duterte to declare martial law in the southern region.As the violence continues, Duterte said on Wednesday that he will consider expanding his martial law order throughout the country “in order to protect the people”. The violence erupted on Tuesday after the army raided the hideout of Isnilon Hapilon, a commander of the Abu Sayyaf group, which has pledged allegiance to ISIL. Abu Sayyaf fighters called for reinforcements from an allied group, the Maute, and dozens of gunmen managed to enter Marawi, home to about 200,000 people.

Source: Mindanao: Churchgoers ‘taken hostage’ amid Marawi siege | Philippines News | Al Jazeera

This is a major terrorist attack you have not heard about. Abu Sayyaf/ISIS initiated the take over the city of Marawi by attacking a church and kidnapping the parishioners. The unarmed Filipinos had to wait for Government troops to show up to start countering the assholes and nobody knows how many innocents they got to kill because they were unable to defend themselves.
This thing is still going after a week and people in town were forced to evacuate or die at the hands of Abu Sayyaf/ISIS.

So dear Shannon, yes, we pack for church. And if we could carry rifles, we would do so because Evil does not give a shit about the sanctity of the building where we congregate to celebrate God.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Why we need guns in church? Why we need guns at all?”
    1. Could care less what Watts thinks. It’s legal to do so in my state as long as it’s concealed and I have my carry permit for it. We had an angry person in the audience that was upset over the speaker and got escorted out. And stuff like this is why I legally conceal carry in church. Do not let ur faith prevent u from carrying. As long as it is legal and u are not doing it in a criminal manner, I am sure God understands. And what most in the Christian community also refuse to believe is that Jesus even told His disciples to trade in their cloaks for a sword. As a result of heeding his advice, they carried them for self-defense when going on their journeys.

  1. EVERYTHING that Shannon Watts utters is Black-Hole Stupid. And I highly doubt that even she believes the crap she spouts, which makes her evil as well.

  2. My 3Gun compadre runs security in a megachurch here in EastTN. I can assure you there are multiple rifles and sidearms made ready in offices and on persons.

    IMHO, it’s criminal, at least negligent and morally bankrupt, to not take security seriously for your congregation.

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