Kamala Harris is the Junior Senator from California and the former California state Attorney General.

She is also a favored Democratic nominee for presidential candidate for 2020.

Here she is joking about killing Trump, Pence, and AG Sessions, to uproarious applause on Ellen.

If she’s willing to kill the President, Vice President, or Attorney General over political differences, what do you think she thinks about kill you Trump supporting, deplorable, peons?

Probably not much if anything at all.

Remember, there is no victory that far Left isn’t willing to obtain by filling graves with dissenters.

I just wonder what her chances of victory are if the Secret Service were to do an investigation of her and the DOJ charged her with threatening the president?

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Your daily reminder that they hate you and want to kill you”
  1. “Does one of us have to come out alive?” What makes you think you would be the one left standing?

  2. Isn’t she the one who pushed the California judges into reversing the decision to uphold “shall issue” after the San Diego denial of a concealed carry permit went all the way to federal district court? The three-judge panel overturned San Diego’s refusal to issue a permit to a citizen, and sheriff was going to comply, but this person, the attorney general of California, insisted on an “en banc” review, knowing that the majority of the appellate court would uphold the local “right to deny” permits to citizens. Yep, that’s her, spending a pile of state money to ensure that honest citizens could not have a “shall issue” state.

  3. I tell people all the time, leftist politicians absolutely would line up political opponents and shoot them, the only thing stopping them is that it’s not the right time politically do start doing it. Yet.

    Look at the company they keep. Putrid leftist Andrew Cuomo of NYC was one of the first ones to hop an on airplane and rub shoulders with the Castro regime when he figured he wouldn’t get in trouble for traveling there. Look at how happy Obama was to visit. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

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