Last month, Seattle police were taken aback with the seizure of an expended rocket-propelled grenade launcher.

Two similar RPG devices also were turned over to Los Angeles Police Department officials in a post-Newtown buy-back event.

via Arms buy-back events increase, round up more than guns.

And theses are the eeevil rocket launchers:

Understand that these are empty plastic or fiberglass tubes with nothing inside. They are as much danger to be used in bringing down a plane or destroying a building than a used tampon applicator or a drinking straw on the floor of your local fast food restaurant..
But they make for scandalous news, don’t they?

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “ZOMG! More Rocket Launchers!!!!”
  1. makes me want to profit off of police stupidity by buying a few surplus tubes and sell them at buybacks. One of the few good things about California, I guess.

  2. “Never let facts, logic, and truth interfere with a good bit of emotional sensationalism.” -printed on the back of every journalist’s press card

  3. OMG….These rocket launchers are ON OUR STREETS?
    Who’s dealing rocket launchers?
    How much are the Cop’s paying for them in their buy-back program???

    The next one I see at a flea market I’ll make a citizens arrest and confiscate it.

  4. Idea! One could likely make a fortune off this lot via a can of black spray paint and a bunch of dollar store squirtguns.

    1. I remember reading about one gun buy-back that all guns were being bought. Even water guns… People were laughing and posted links to for water guns for like 5 dollars including shipping. Toy guns were being bought for 10 dollars.

      Seriously though, i wonder how much they buy those tubes for. If it’s in the hundreds it might actually be fiscally possible to buy a bunch of surplus ones for bulk prices and sell them all to idiots…

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