LOUISVILLE, Ky. —More than 10,000 assault weapons from China were recently seized by federal officers who said they were being shipped to a home in Brevard County.

The shipment was seized on May 22 at a package handling facility in Louisville, Kentucky, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

According to a statement, the officers inspected the items, which arrived from Shenzhen, China, and were headed for a residence in Melbourne.

The parcel contained 100 steel pin samples, which is a common practice of smugglers manifesting the contraband as a harmless or legitimate commodity to avoid additional examination, officials said.

“This smuggler was knowingly trying to avoid detection, however, our officers remain vigilant, ensuring our community is safe,” said Thomas Mahn, Louisville port director.

According to investigators, the shipment was transferred to the Center of Excellence and Expertise’s machinery team, which put the value of the shipment at $129,600.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) regulates and restricts firearms and ammunition. Importation of weapons or ammunition must be made by a licensed importer, dealer or manufacturer, officials said.

More than 10,000 assault weapons with $129k value seized during shipment to Brevard County

And if my math is not that off, that comes to about $12.9 per assault weapon.  That is some serious competition for Palmetto State.

OK, can we say AIRSOFT, boys and girls? It is not the first time that some overzealous agent with stars in his eyes goes full dumb on stuff like this and makes it in the news.

And with a lot of expense and fitting you may get to have an AR that shoots….once.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “10,000 assault weapons seized during shipment to Brevard County, Florida.”
  1. Hang on, this went to a machinery team, and no one made mention of them being airsoft?

    Something’s fishy. And from China.

  2. And these 10,000 weapons all fit in that teeny, tiny box?


    Notice how they don’t show a clear picture of any of these “weapons?”
    Just like NASCAR Never showed a picture of the noose until the noose was completely discredited?

  3. 10 000 “assault weapons” all going to one residence?

    For a “street value” of $129 000?


    And, nobody at the “news”- paper even appears to have wondered about any part of that?

  4. If they were disguised as metal pins, they’d have to be lightning links or gigle switches for glocks.

  5. If it was anything “real”we would have seen different numbers or something.

    If it was giggle conversions then you know damn well they would have had placed the value at 10 times the given figure. DIAS run 10k each or more if NFA registered.

    But what would cost that account would be badly fitting shoulder stocks. I.e. bump stocks. And that is exactly the sort of thing that the Chinese are very good at copying and selling for cheap.

    Just another guess

  6. 10,000 “assault weapons” valued at $12.90@???

    Find me anything you can get for thirteen bucks, and tell me it shoots anything but caps.

    The news media is made up entirely of total morons.
    Like we needed any more proof.

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