How Not to Get Shot By Police: Don’t act Stupid.
David Codrea’s post on How Not to Get Shot By Police is somewhat coincidental. Last night during witching hour, a bunch of patrol cars from the local PD came flying in looking to get in our property (a vast areas lemme tell ya) and you could tell they were in a pissed-off hurry. I granted them access and a total of 11 vehicles rushed in. A couple of them had their swirly lights on and our supervisor Peter P. (as in the Peter Principle) came out of his masturbatory cubbyhole, frantically waving screaming to the cops to shut down the lights least they scare our skittish dwellers. Cops obviously were gone before he could say much so Peter jumped in a golf cart and gave chase. About 15 minutes later Peter is back looking somewhat stricken and commented that a cop pointed a gun at him for no good reason. It seems Peter P. found where the empty police vehicles were parked, two of them with the lights doing the Disco scene, got off his golf cart and proceeded to search on foot for the officers. Did I mention that the property is veeery dark at night? Peter P. did find a couple of officers who trained their sidearms on him and almost shot him in a case of high level stupidity.
As it happened, Police were looking for a violent fella (big sucker too) who was involved in an Assault & Battery, ran away and jumped our fence. He got arrested and taken away and all officers left waving thanks for our cooperation, OK one didn’t while he gave Peter P. a dose of the evil eye as he drove by. After all Black & Whites were gone, Peter being his Principled self admonished me for not stopping the offending vehicles and telling them to kill their lights. I pointed out to Peter that racking a dose of Obstruction of Justice was not something I wanted to achieve when cops were after a dangerous felon, but I don’t think he understood the concept. Oh well…