Month: July 2010

Dot Gov Gone Wild: US Gov takes out 73,000 blogs.

U.S. Authorities Shut Down WordPress Host With 73,000 Blogs. What in the flying flock of seagulls? ?  Listen I am all up for defending intellectual property, but forcing a whole web host and silencing those sites that were not involved in copyright violations is just amazingly stupid and awfully scary.

And this from a President that is a “Constitutional Scholar.” Maybe he is an expert on the Zimbabwe Constitution which I heard is written in pencil.

Killing the Drama Llama: Conceal + Carry = Survive

If Top Shots is too “Reality TV looks at Big Brother significant Other Survivor married to Real Housewife of East LA who thinks She Can Dance”, you have an alternative on Spike TV. It is called Conceal + Carry = Survive.

According to what I read, it takes several people with little or no experience in firearms and trains them in their defensive use. Some are just people who want to avoid trouble and some were victimized and want to be ready if crap ever happens again.

The show is to air on July 17 on Spike TV. Set your DVRs.

And now back to my self imposed rest… I know, I keep breaking it but I think this is worth watching.

“We are the Fake FBI. Open up…OH SH**!”

Have I mentioned people in South Florida is a bit wee suspicions? It is somewhat common that criminals try to impersonate LEOs to get to their victims. By now this is old news for everybody but some criminals. Three guys impersonating the FBI found out the hard way:

Once the three men make it to the front door, two of them try to pry open the door with a crowbar while the third acts as a look-out. When they are unable to get thru the front door, they tried a window, but this trio had no idea the homeowner was inside and waiting for them with a pistol.

The homeowner opened fire and the three suspects took off. The two men barely make it back to their newer model, mid-size, silver sport utility vehicle Mercedes Benz before the third takes off

Puppies, kitties and criminals running with brown deposits in their shorts make me smile.

And now back to my self imposed rest.

Crochety Hiatus.

I am taking a small break from Blogging. I found myself ready to rip a new one to several other blogers who are in the Kill The NRA Cult, but I figure it is pretty much a lost cause by now. They are on a parasitic streak and they won’t be happy until they leave a dried out corpse and find themselves naked and asking “What now?” but by then it will be a tad too late.

Shootin’ Pics: Lady with the Gun.

As I stated before, I am not a good photographer.  At matches I take bunches of pics hoping to get a couple that are halfway decent and one that makes it as the club’s splash page image and then I get creative with the cropping tool.  Still, there are people I somehow manage to be in sync with when they shoot. This young lady is one of them; rare is the time I don’t get a decent pic with a piece of brass flying out of her gun and she is a darn good shooter to boot (she kicks my ass in a seriously regular basis…. but then again so everybody else).

UPDATE: The second photo and additional commentary was removed. It seems that hubby was a tad pissed about the pic and demanded that it’d be removed. Rather than trying to figure out legalities and what nots, I decided that I am too old, too tired and too ornery to be dealing with idiocy & insecurity