So what is the result of a true Gun Free Zone country? What if legal access to firearms is so controlled by the government that it is almost impossible to buy even a single shot shotgun? What if there is no easy access to ammunition either and you were restricted to only 50 rounds a year (no hollow points or expansive ammo allowed? What if reloading your own ammunition is against the law? According to Brady and Co. it would be paradise on Earth, Peace in Our Times, People on the streets holding hands and singing Kumbaya My Lord. No more homicides, armed robberies, no gunshot wounds, all peachy.
But reality rears its ugly face and shreds the myth of Gun Free peace and harmony.

The caption of the picture reads: The Dead without dignity. The Bello Monte morgue (in Caracas) has received 2,177 murder victim’s bodies during the first six months of this year which comes to 362 per month, 12 a day and 1 every 2 hours. The bodies pile up in total abandonment as this image from last December. During the weekends where violence increases, there is only one Medical Examiner on duty.
And this is just the capital city of Caracas. During 2009, there were 16,047 murders in the whole country of 27 million people, a monumental failure in terms of keeping the citizens safe and nobody is doing a damned thing. A Socialist Government that has failed to fulfill the promises to the people might not be interested in either fighting crime and much less give its subjects the power to defend themselves.
There is an unofficial state of emergency in the country where people are literally afraid to walk the streets. About 95% of all homicides go unresolved since the police, stripped of its good officers and substituted by politically-reliable yes-men are overwhelmed and/or participating themselves in criminal activities. And we are talking about a police force that made New Orleans PD look like Scotland Yard and the Templar Nights wrapped in one.
The Socialist Government is not interested in attacking the crime issue, why should they? Officials have bodyguards and are driven in armored vehicles everywhere they go, their neighborhoods are heavily patrolled by security forces and if the common folk are scared shitless of dying in the street or their homes, they have no time to be “conspiring” against the Revolution. It is much cheaper than having to develop a homegrown KGB and keep tabs on everybody.
Gun Control is not about controlling guns but controlling people. Alive and Scared or just plain Dead but they get controlled.
PS: Charges were brought against the newspaper for publishing this picture. Government officials complain that they violate current laws protecting children against abuse. Remember, let’s do it for the Children!
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