Month: June 2011

Charity begins at home but might end up in Court.

When we actually need a law that protects good people from being sued by those who need help during an emergency situation like after a Hurricane.

15  Section 1. Section 252.515, Florida Statutes, is created to
   16  read:
   17 252.515Postdisaster Relief Assistance Act; immunity from
   18 civil liability.—
   19 (1) This section may be cited as the “Postdisaster Relief
   20 Assistance Act.”
   21 (2) Any person who gratuitously and in good faith provides
   22 temporary housing, food, water, or electricity to emergency
   23 first responders or the immediate family members of emergency
   24 first responders in response to an emergency situation related
   25 to and arising out of a public health emergency declared
   26 pursuant to s. 381.00315 or a state of emergency declared
   27 pursuant to s. 252.36 may not be held liable for any civil
   28 damages as a result of providing the temporary housing, food,
   29 water, or electricity unless the person acts in a manner that
   30 demonstrates a reckless disregard for the consequences of
   31 another.

CSGV: because they rather see you dead.

Our dear friends and lovers of humanity are at it again. They adorned the word justifiable and give it the air of immorality and illegality. They link this article authored by Mark Bowes where he craftily poopooes civilians and LEOs defending themselves and killing the criminals. You see, unless you are a criminal, you have no right to kill anybody in self defense. That the people that defended themselves might have become corpses is irrelevant: you are better off dead from a moral standpoint and for CSGV Fund-Raising and Power-Acquisition purposes.

CSGV every day sound more and more like those local groups that defend Muslim Terrorist by trying to place the blame of their alleged grievances on the US.