Month: October 2011

WordPress Update help!

Anybody who can give me a step by step instructive on how to update this thing? I am running WordPress version 2.6.1 and I am supposed to be messing with 3.2.1. The problem is my version is so old it will not do automatic update and there is a big chance I might screw up my database and over 1,200 posts. When I upgraded to this version, I lost everything I had posted but back then it was like only 20 or so posts which I recovered via Google cache and I do not feel like going through that again.

so… heeelp!?!?

Self Defense Shooting: Great Lessons in One Video.

I’ll let the narration give you the basic info:

First of all, awareness and pays off. The lady realized quickly what was going on and took action so we can add decisiveness to the formula and was aggressive when she finally needed to be.

We also have confirmation that the first rule in a gun fight is to have a gun. No doubt that things would have gone differently if the lady was unarmed or with a sub-standard weapon. Also, I am sure she never thought that a gun fight would involve her sitting on the floor against the door using her rear end as door stop: we never know when or where we will be forced to fight for our lives.

And I will say it, Pocket Carry SUCKS. The stars aligned right this time and only the Bad Guy lost, but damn ! It took forever to get that gun out of the pocket.

Add your own observation. This video is full of lessons we can take.

CSGV Laddite of the day: Brad Baranet.


My first thought was “Are we really that powerful that with a Department of Justice controlled by notoriously anti-gunner and possible gun trafficker to the Cartels Eric Holder, we are able to somehow to influence the FBI and the crime stats they produce every year into showing a decrease of violent crimes?”

Then again in a very roundabout way, they are admitting that the crime rate is indeed dropping, but it has to be because somebody (we) is fudging the numbers and not because obvious reasons. It is like elections: If they win, it was a clean election; if they lose, it was fraud and not an expression of the voters.