Month: October 2011

Mayors Against Legal Guns have no problem obfuscating.

MAIG published an ad in USA Today in opposition of H.R. 822, the National Reciprocity Law; nothing new there. Were used at MAIG spewing bullcrap but it is stuff like this that sends this ad into the Outright Lies field, bear with me:

This forced concealed carry reciprocity legislation would require states to recognize permits  issued in other states, even if those other states
have far weaker standards…..


Doing so would threaten the safety of our citizens by putting loaded guns in the hands of people who are too dangerous to qualify for a local permit.

Again, nothing that we have not seen before. But the plot thickens when we reach the people signing this add. Why is that? Because plenty of those mayors demanding that their state’s “right” to determine who can carry from outside their jurisdiction already do so.

Florida’s Concealed Weapons License is the most mentioned as being weak in requirements and easy to obtain and the target for every anti-carry newspaper editorial out there, yet, it is accepted by 36 states but they fail to tell you that!  I understand that the Honorable Dawn Zimmer from Hoboken, New Jersey would feel “intruded” by a visiting Floridian carrying in her city since the state is notoriously nasty about issuing gun permits to its own citizens but that the Honorable Kasim Reed, mayor of Atlanta, Georgia raises concerns when Florida and Georgia have had reciprocity already for many years and without any problems is absurd.There is also the question about how many of those majors whose “signature” appear in the add are OK with it. It is not the first time that MAIG has published a letter “signed” by everybody and then the “signees” find out about it and were not in agreement.

Let’s admit it. This is just political grandstanding by an organization that has been a constant failure promoting their agenda notwithstanding the millions poured into it by His Highness Mayor Bloomberg. The First Pope of NYC. Federal Reciprocity is simply the logical next step on the 25 years of the official Concealed Carry movement in this country.

MAIG, get over it.




M.H.I Patch contest is here again. VOTE!

It is that time for Monster Hunter International Fans. The winning patch will appear in Monster Hunter Legion, Larry’s next MHI book and we get to pick it.

I sent my entry:

MHI Miami already has a patch but since we also have a sub for those pesky underwater operations, I thought why not?

But I have to admit I voted for the one with 100% awesomeness and sex appeal.

You can’t beat Sam…. If you don’t know who she is, check out what I think is the best Web Cartoon out there Day By Day.

CSGV v. Facebook Marketing

As I was trolling the CSGV facebook page, I noticed that the right hand column where the advertising appears was not helpful to anti gun causes.

I thought it probably had to do more with my preferences that CSGV’s, but I then checked VPC’s page and the most armed thing there was advertising for Vince Flynn’s book American Assassin. Brady had one gun group related ad and Protest Easy Guns had nothing.
I swear Ladd is jinxed somehow.

Why I cannot take these people seriously.

A sign from Occupy Key West. I heard it is a very popular sign among other Occupy groups; must be because it does not require creative thinking.

And this one I got from the Occupy Miami Facebook page. Three fat cats peddling Michael Moore’s movie. And who called central casting requesting a Cuban Pimp?
But at the end, the wife and myself decided we must follow the trend and join one of the movements. Her choice was:

I went with a less militant group:

CSGV: Ladd Everitt thinks he is in Cuba or Venezuela.

Click on pic to read the "offending" article.

What the hell is a Traitor To Our Government?

Dear Ladd: We do not live in a Third World country or in a Socialist country. We do not swear loyalty to a government or an individual. We swear to protect and defend the Constitution, we pledge allegiance to the Flag & swear on God’s name.

Maybe working for the U.S.‑Saudi Arabian Business Council made you submit to something or other and that is fine if you feel like faceplaming the floor 5 times a day but do not start making up law where none exists. And watch out who you call traitor, libel is such a horrible thing to add to your resume.