Our Lord according to CSGV.
This one writes all by itself:
Some people say Jesus is a Lever Action Man.
He would be backed up by Nuns with Guns.
An Orthodox Priest with a belt-fed weapon.
And an Rabbi with an Assault Rifle.
We even have our Patron Saint: St. Gabriel Possenti. A badass Two-Gun Priest.
The Holy Posse is something to behold because He is with us.
One MAIG Mayor that never was.
I am happy to see that Mayors Against Illegal Guns finally removed Mayor Perry Knight (Bowling Green, Fl) from its list of Future Felons.
When I contacted Mayor Knight back in October, he was rather emphatic about his distaste for the group and the fact that somebody put him on the list without his consent.
I am happy that his name is now cleared from such forced and tasteless association.
Minnesota, say what?
Either my caffeine intake is not enough and the neurons are still zombified, or Minnesota is one weird state. Caught these quotes article from the Crookston Times about Castle Doctrine:
Sen. Barb Goodwin, DFL-Columbia Heights, said that the bill could enable violent felons to use deadly force once they are allowed to carry firearms again.
“We’re saying that people that have been violent felons in the past can now also basically shoot people anywhere that they feel threatened,” Goodwin said. Her motion to send the bill to the Judiciary Committee for further discussion was rejected.
I am gonna coin a term here: Legis Magicae. And it will be defined at that supposedly magical legislation that will force criminals to do the right thing or stops them from doing the wrong thing. It is a legal incantation approved by the Harry Potters of a legislative body and once signed by the Sorcerer in Chief of the State, it creates a magical force field on each criminal controlling his actions.
More from the same article:
Dennis Flaherty, executive director of the Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association, said the bill could result in dangerous situations for police officers, who regularly enter homes without permission.
So in Minnesota, search warrants and Probable Cause are ignored in a regular basis? Is the Constitution known in the State or is it something vague & vapid?
Dayton said when lawmakers were debating the bill last year, he was “concerned because law enforcement in Minnesota was mostly opposed to it, felt that it gave citizens more freedoms and rights than they had.“
Mother of Mary! Is it really that bad up there?
Laddite of the Week: Craig Hexham.
Besides the obvious, this Facebook post of Craig Hexam was bothering me something fierce all day:
And then the hamster living in my brain housing woke up from his nap and it came to me: Mr. Hexham is the “Therapist” that wanted to call Child Services on fellow Gun Blogger Anti Tango because he wanted his 2 year old boy to eat his peas.
Well, well, well.
CSGV: A Twist of the Stats
In Fighter Pilot parlance, target fixation is when a flyer is so concentrated on the enemy, he follows the damaged plane all the way to the ground and also crashes.
So, I can only think that Target Fixation is what happened to the Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence and they never digested what was posted in the original article. To be fair, neither did the author of the article:
So the target is GUNS and the mantra is Guns are bad. Reasoning and simple math must then go out the window. Let’s check the numbers as stated in the article:
Meanwhile, Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows that of 4,547 fatal workplace injuries that occurred in the United States during 2010, 506 were homicides..
NCCI said in its report that homicides make up 11% of workplace fatalities. OK, so something else is causing 89% of the fatalities at work. Priorities people!
Despite the headlines, the share of workplace homicides due to co-workers has remained steady at about 12%, and the actual number of such homicides has been in the 50 to 60 range (annually) in recent years,” NCCI stated. Wait one. Out of 4,547 fatal workplace injuries (according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics), only 60 (worse case) are directly related to co-workers? That is 1.37% of fatal workplace injuries!
In contrast, homicides involving robbers and other crime perpetrators accounted for 69% of all workplace killings in 2009, NCCI reported. Do note the subtle change in wording. Workplace “fatalities” has taken a bow and disappeared and now workplace “killings” make an appearance. They are hoping to confuse the heck out of you by switching terms and creating false mental associations.
It is not the whacky guy in the far cubicle muttering stuff about a stapler that might kill you but the common criminal that comes to your place of work. And I am willing to bet that a very high percentage of those killed by criminals work in a face-to-face-with-the-public job such as Gas station clerks or anywhere cash is used in transactions and where a policy of No Guns is mandatory.
And one more:
One finding in NCCI’s research that news stories didn’t mention is that 80% of workplace homicides result from shootings, far more than the 10% caused by stabbings or the remainder caused by other types of violence, such as kicking and beatings. So about 405 deaths are “caused” by guns? No, let’s correct that, in 405 homicides in the workplace, a gun was used. That is 8.9% of all the fatal workplace injuries therefore the author’s initial statement:
Guns play big role in work violence
and the final:
So guns are a huge contributor to workplace violence, whether they are used by disgruntled co-workers, patrons, spouses or robbers.
are just willful misleading.
But that is not a surprise. Is it?