Month: March 2012

National Gun Victims Action Council: We do stupid right.

NGVAC asks:

Maybe because if we could do that, we would be going after every Anti Gun organization for assisting criminals in making sure their victims are unarmed and thus incapable of defending themselves?

I even have one person to start legal procedures and have him sent to prison for assisting in a school massacre: Larry Hincker from Virginia Tech.

“I’m sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly’s actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus.”
Larry Hincker, January 31, 2006.

When he said that, he was celebrating the defeat of a measure that would have allowed Students, Faculty and Personnel from Virginia Tech to carry guns on Campus provided they had a Concealed Carry Permit. In April 16, 2007 Seung-Hui Cho made a liar out Mr. Henckler with bloody efficiency. Amazingly Mr. Hinckler is not only roaming free but still works for Virginia Tech.

But that ain’t gonna happen any time soon, is it?

CSGV: Never forget….they do get stupid.

If they could find a way to place Gun Owners in the flawed Terrorist watch list, they wouldn’t think twice about it. The Bill of Rights is optional when it comes to us according to their flawed thinking but little they know about tampering with Rights; somehow they have the blind belief that if such selective application was to happen, they would be insulated somehow.

What really pisses me off is that we must fight the good fight not only to keep ourselves from being steamrolled but we have to save them too.

And we will not get a thanks from them either.

Self Defense is not an sport.

So, when needed: Cheat like a Champ!

He told them he had a stolen gun and demanded they get out of bed. He ordered them to get their wallets and take him to an ATM.
So the husband went to his closet.
“The suspect thought he was going to get his wallet, but instead, he grabbed his handgun,” Caron said.
The husband shot the intruder once in the chest. The man died at the scene.

It is your life. You dictate the terms of the fight as soon as you can and so you can survive it.


“Get a restraining order, It will keep him away.”

Are we tired of listening to this (sometimes) well intended but useless piece of dangerous advice given to victims of domestic violence?

This news item from WSVN shows Ernest Burch, accused of not only domestic violence but of violating the previously placed restraining order against him, resisting with enough strength that takes three no-quite-small men to subdue. Now imagine a regular-sized woman trying to deal with such a mammoth unleashed. It us not only silly but suicidal.

If you are an abused woman, by all means use all the legal remedies offered to you and those include the right to defend yourself with whatever tool will be the most effective to attack your legally restrained abuser: A gun.

And no, it will not guarantee you 100% effectiveness, but it does beat harsh language and supplications to spare your life.

10 Guns to shoot before you die.

Just caught this one from Shooter Guru in Twitter. For an Aussie, he ain’t half bad.

My list goes something like this:

1) Dillon Aereo. (It rips the fabric of the universe, that’s why)

2) Quad M2 Browning. (This has to be what Armageddon sounds like)

3) MP-5 (It is one of those guns any gunner must shoot)

4) Sturmgewehr 44 (The one that started it all.)

5) BFR 454 Casull (The original velociraptor handgun)

6) M101A1 Howitzer (Artillery that you can tow with your pick up truck? Ultra Cool)

7) Gatling Gun. (The Classics last forever. See Dillon Aereo)

8 ) Matchlock Gun. (Think about it, the conquest of the Americas was done with this!)








9) The Spencer Repeater (Pivotal gun in the history of the world. Thanks to Cemetery’s Gun Blob for the correction. He actually figured what was on my mind and not what I posted)


10) Blunderbuss (The closest to portable artillery. T-Rexes will duck.)