Month: July 2012

Another Colorado Shooting and another round of anti gun idiocy.

I spent almost all daylight till now in the Twitterverse. As expected, the #guncontrol horde came out swinging but unfortunately for them, we were there and they were using the same old cliches.

Nothing shuts faster an Anti gun Drone that asking them two questions:

1) How do you propose to control all guns in the USA?
2) Define Assault Weapon.

Apparently those two questions produce an irregular discharge of the synapses in their brains and they either shut up or cuss the hell out of you. Par for the course.

What shocked me was some people who actually stated that they did not mind having their Rights eliminated if they could feel safe (not confused with actually being safe) and that I should do the same. Honestly, what kind of spineless, gutless crawling creature you have to be to demand being a slave?

Other than the killings themselves, this was the saddest part of today……so far.

PS: Did I write a hashtag a top of the article? I need to stay the hell away from Twitter.

AntiGunnersurance (A subsidiary of Mutual of Brady-GSGV-VPC et All.)

I got this from the same guy in Nigeria who keeps offering me a great deal if I give him my bank account number for a multi-million dollar transfer.

Ladies and Gentlemen! I am happy to announce a new insurance company that will keep you safe for life! That’s right, AntiGunnersurance (A subsidiary of Mutual of Brady-GSGV-VPC et All.) will PROMISE you that if you give up your guns, no gun violence will ever visit you and those of you that you choose to include in your policy. No other organization can promise you what AntiGunnersurance (A subsidiary of Mutual of Brady-GSGV-VPC et All.) promises. Not the NRA, not GOA, not SAF, not anybody.

Here is how it works: You register with us and a representative will visit you at your home or place of business. The representative will collect all your firearms and ammunition, take them to the portable smelter he/she carries in the back of his Chevy Volt and destroy them in front of you. You will then sign a contract assuring us that you and/or your loved ones covered will never own a gun for the duration of the policy. An annual fee of $50 dollars per member will be collected (minimum duration: 10 years) and that is all! You shall be immune from violent gun crime and gun suicide! And you will be able to select a Anti Gun Sponsor that will be your guide and mentor if you suddenly feel the need to operate a firearm. This Sponsor will be responsible for you staying in the insurance program and will be responsible for anything and everything. The Sponsor is a full member of AntiGunnersurance (A subsidiary of Mutual of Brady-GSGV-VPC et All.)

However, if something untold happens with a gun not belonging to you or your loved ones covered in the policy, the following schedule of payments shall apply:

1) Murder/Manslaughter/Accidental Firearms Death: If you or one of yours happens to pass away due to somebody else evil use of a gun, you or your surviving closest relative will be allowed exact the same kind of mishap to your Sponsor without fear of legal retribution.

2) Wounding, Dismemberment, Rape and other injuries and related health issues by the misuse of a gun: If you or one of yours happens to be gravely wounded by the misuse of a firearm, your Sponsor will have to go through the same experiences, pains, loss of organs or members and procedures as the victim. Our Sponsors are fully covered under Medicare 2 for items such as colostomy bags, catheters and wheelchairs.

3) Violent Crimes non-deadly or wounding (Robbery, Grand Theft, Carjacking, Home Invasion, etc) If you were to suffer through one or more of those armed violent crimes, your Sponsor will not only suffer an equivalent mental distress but also must replace the items lost or its equivalent in cash without depreciation and adjusted for inflation or substitute with newer model.

This constitutes our basic package. We offer two more packages (Gold and Platinum) for additional fees and after you have been with us for a period not shorter than three months. Your Sponsor will be glad to inform you of the details.

AntiGunnersurance (A subsidiary of Mutual of Brady-GSGV-VPC et All.)
Our Bodies Will Cash The Checks Our Mouths Write!

Phone: (202) 898-0792
Fax:     (202) 371-9615

I don’t know…seems legit, right?

Another Gun Magazine rant.

That would be the one that you read and not load. OK Gun Magazine Editors, it is time you realize that we are in the 21st Century and a new batch of people with different interests have joined the enjoyment provided by guns. Do notice I am using the plural because for some reason or another, Gun Mag Editors & Writers can only write about the 1911.

Yes, John Moses Brown was a genius and yes, the 1911 is a wonderful firearm, but for the love of Vulcan and his anvil, it is enough. I am subscribed to very few gun magazines because basically they lack substance other than the tired old 1911 articles rehashed over and over. One of the mags which I am subscribed because of one particular writer, will cease to be received in this household because of the last issue. Not only the cover depicts a 1911 engraved and gold plated like it was found in the possession of a Drug Cartel Lord in a whorehouse in Tijuana, the inside of the just under 110 page issue had at least 55 photos of 1911s!

The only reason gun magazines have not collapsed is because gun owners are faithful and supportive. But it is time Editors get their heads out of the typewriters and realize that there are at least 2 generations that were raised on polymers and are foreign to the concept of buying a $2,000 gun and then spend an equal amount on aftermarket parts and gunsmithing.

We need more on how to shoot the gun and how to enjoy life in the gun culture. After all, it is not the arrow but the indian, right?

And they ran like rabbits

Two perps try their luck at an Internet Cafe in Ocala, FL. They got two messages: 404 (Cash not found) and BANG BANG when Samuel Williams, 71 decided to use his anti-virus…er.. sidearm and put a stop to the arm robbery.

Besides the obvious joy of watching the jackasses get shot and run over each other, take notice at the great firearm manipulation by Mr. Williams.

According to, no charges are expected against Mr. Williams. Good.

Amnesty International: No wonder they are such a failure.

Bumped into this poster in Facebook.

The following is my response to the Orgasmic Anti American thread:

“And the pic is a tad misleading. Small Arms are the ones doing the most damage and the top exporters are China & Russia. US exports mostly high-end systems that are more expensive but make for much lower numbers. For the price of one F16 you can buy several shiploads of AK 47s….. But is easier to blame the US for everything.
PS: The biggest consumer of US Small arms is the US Citizen.

ATF numbers: Year 2011 Rifles manufactured 2,293,247. Rifles exported 78,765. Pistols manufactured 2,487,786, Pistols exported 116,014. Shotguns manufactured 862,293, Shotguns exported 54,878.
And if my math is not faulty, we kept about 96.5% of rifles for internal use alongside 95.4% of the pistols and 93.7% of the shotguns.
I think Amnesty International should actually deal with facts instead of propaganda. No wonder they are doing a shitty job around the world.”

I realized later that I did not take in consideration any and all weapons distributed by the ATF and the DOJ to foreign criminal entities but since we don’t know how many gunwalking operations were/are out there…