Month: July 2012

The rapidly collapsing Zimmerman narrative.

Those who were heavily emotionally invested in finding George Zimmerman guilty in the killing of Trayvon Martin are not very happy. The latest batch of evidence released by the State of Florida has pretty much driven a stake through the Racism angle that was so adeptly waved by pundits, media and the political race-baiters. I think that it has pretty much destroyed any reason for a Murder Two accusation and puts Angela Corey on a very tight spot and the rest of the investigative team in a tight spot making people think that the whole scheme has been just a political move specially when the news that the detective that investigated the case did not want to arrest Zimmerman because there was not enough evidence but was pressured by the chain in command and eventually punished with a demotion to patrol & given the graveyard shift.

So what is next for the Mob? I have been checking Twitter and if it is any indication, I’d say about 70% of the pitchfork holders have become silent. If out of embarrassment or just unable to explain their own stupidity, I do not know. However the hardcore amongst them are still beating the drum because, you see: Zimmerman MUST be guilty of something.

My favorite Nutjob & self-proclaimed Messiah, Timothy A. Campbell is stretching the limits of stupidity in his comments:

The sad part is that hes is not alone in the sentiment that Zimmerman is guilty of something but they have not found a way yet to legally prove it. This is not people offering an opinion based on the facts available, this is fully loaded insane hate with unhealthy thirst for retribution. By engaging in logical fallacies, they unburden themselves with having to present evidence or engages in reasoned dialogue and feel they made a case against Zimmerman. And God forbids you dare to contradict.
As you can see, Timmy is not above doing his Twitter version of SWATing or outright demand the death of those who disagree with him. Even though he is an extreme example, certain variations with lesser degrees of threats have been dished out by his ilk. And one must remember that idiots like Timmy & Friends have the right to vote which is a scary thought if one of them get elected to a position where harm can be done.

Anyway, the Martin/Zimmerman case and its repercussions are far from over. We have plenty of days to endure and lots of politics to wade through. I will say that the goals of those who wanted to “cash” on this case are greatly diminished and I also believe that the Stand Your Ground study group will become nothing or have its recommendation stashed deep in File 13 since Florida prosecutors more likely have lost the high moral ground with this case.

Time will tell.

Venezuela: 52 Murders a Day

52 asesinatos diarios en primer semestre – Sucesos – EL UNIVERSALArticle in Spanish, sorry about that.

Quick figures: 9,500 Murders in 6 months. One murder every half an hour. Population: 28,047,938

Compare to a similar size state: Texas.
Population: 25,674,681. Murders for 2010 (12 months): 1,249.

And Venezuela has gun control laws that would make California look like it was a Gun Bazaar in Pakistan.

Sure, Gun Control works

Detective in Zimmerman case said he was pressured to file charges – Trayvon Martin –

Detective in Zimmerman case said he was pressured to file charges – Trayvon Martin –

The lead Sanford Police investigator who sought manslaughter charges against George Zimmerman told the FBI that a sergeant and two other officers tried to pressure him into making an arrest in the controversial case — even though he didn’t think there was enough evidence………Serino, a 15-year veteran of the department who was a major-crimes investigator, was demoted last month to overnight patrol.

Read more here:


Read more here:

Is that the sound of feces hitting the high velocity cooling apparatus I hear? Bad news for so many people that I cannot begin to list them all. Politics has this case so tainted it so gonna backfire big time on those who sought to profit money and politically wise. If there are any changes in the Stand Your Ground Law, they probably will be more in favor of the citizens than before.

More Documents released in the Martin/Zimmerman Case. (Updated)

A quick glance over the documents so far.

Two hundred and eighty-four pages that pretty much kill the notion of Zimmerman being a member of the KKK. There are interviews performed by the FDLE and the FBI and almost all the people interviewed said the same thing: Zimmerman was not racist.

New info at least to me: The neighborhood was being targeted by at least two local gangs one of them had a code of dressing similar to what Martin was wearing. Documents include burglary reports previous to the incident.

There is ballistic forensics and some other stuff. Again, it does not look good for the prosecution, specially Angela Corey.

UPDATE: The Twittersphere under #zimmerman is in shock. I am guessing they are scrambling to come up with a new narrative about George Zimmerman. Even our good friends at CSGV (who promised us a full day of Tweet-by-Tweet analysis of the new evidence is strangely silent with one tweet about Obamacare.  The most active is one who is desperately peddling Trayvon Martin merchandise.

Just assorted stuff.

Saving brain cells for tomorrow. I owe an article and I plan on concentration all my power (about 5 Joules worth) on it tomorrow & the day after.

Any self-respecting recording engineer has had at least one session in which the bathroom has been used as either echo chamber or to obtain a certain effect. But this is taking it a bit too much.

At least the spelling is right.
‘Octomom’ strip show to go on. I just hope she did not breastfeed.

New ATF Revised Form 4473 for firearms transaction is now in effect. Check it out.

I am sure a holster is readily available for this combo:


Because begging works, right?

Chicago Mayor Appeals to Gangsters’ ‘Values’: ‘Get Away From That Kid’ |

“We’ve got two gangbangers, one standing next to a kid. Get away from that kid. Take your stuff away to the alley. Don’t touch the children of the city of Chicago. Don’t get near them,” Emanuel — President Obama’s former chief of staff — told anchor Scott Pelley.

For somebody who’s favorite phrase is supposed to be “never let a crisis go to waste” he seems not being able to deal with a real one.
