Month: September 2012

It doesn’t pay to rob a gunshop.

“My guy goes up to collect from him and he shoots my guy twice – bang, bang – and my guy immediately killed him,” said Davis.

via Two shot at Don’s Guns; one dead – 13 WTHR Indianapolis.

Dumb Criminals: They will either get the message or get eradicated.

Prayers for the gun shop employee who was wounded in the exchange but did a great behavioral modification program on the idiot..

Florida’s ‘Stand Your Ground’ Law Likely To Remain : NPR

The writing in the wall is becoming clearer. Nobody but a few prosecutors, judges and anti gun activists wanted it gone. A great majority of Floridians did not want this law to be stricken from the books.

“If we have to look at two possible outcomes — one being a citizen, an honest citizen who is wounded, hurt, maimed or raped, and a dead thug, I’ll take the dead thug anytime,” Seiden said.

This week, University of Florida researchers delivered the preliminary results of a study examining Stand Your Ground. The study found that since 2005, when the law was adopted, the number of justifiable homicides has climbed, violent crime rates have declined and tourism has risen in Florida.

via Florida’s ‘Stand Your Ground’ Law Likely To Remain : NPR.

GSGV is NOT happy. I really do not care.

If there is one particular reason why this attempt to insert gun control in Florida failed (beside the facts that we like our Gun Laws) was attaching it to the Martin/Zimmerman case. Once the people found out that most of the original information coming out of the case was being edited for political correctness or outright lied about it, the tide turned on both Zimmerman’s perception of culpability and the desire to get rid of SYG. We go back to why do they need to lie if their cause is just and righteous with the answer being it is neither. They cannot win converts by telling the truth and admitting that guns in the hands of honest people will save lives. They much rather lie and kill us than accepting their failure.

Just remember, they will try again and again until they finally disappear or go into hibernation.

Women shouldn’t buy guns according to the ATF?

Misogynist much? I guess nobody told this guy about women of all ages buying guns in record numbers.

Jeremy Herrmann, a spokesman with the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms in the Tampa division, said, typically, convicts who have been sentenced to at least a year on a conviction — as well as anyone convicted on a domestic violence charge — aren’t allowed to purchase guns.

Herman did consider straw purchases to be a problem in Florida but added he estimates his office gets less than one complaint a month on such buys.

“If you have an elderly lady coming into your store to buy a .45, you’re going to think she’s buying it for someone else,” Herrmann said.

via Daily Commercial – ARMED AND DANGEROUS? Local dealers question a study purporting easy access to guns.

Grandmothers should only bake cookies and perhaps shoot a tiny .22 LR revolver in pink.

Do read the article. It takes to gentle task Garen Wintemute’s “study” released recently saying criminals have easy access to guns.

The Sky Is Falling In Florida!!!!! (but maybe not)

Courtesy of the Brady’s:

If you wanna read the “study” click on the link. Basically ever since the passing Stand Your Ground law, we are awash in murders.

“Since the 2005 SYG law, remarkably, Florida’s firearm homicide rate soared higher than California’s, even though California is a more urban state with greater inner-city gang and gun violence problems.”

California’s murder rate last year was 4.7 and it was 5.1 in 2010. Florida murder rate in 2011 was 5.2 and 5.3 in 2010. A difference of 0.5 is nothing to call home and sacrifice the fatted lamb people. In fact Florida’s murder rate has dropped 2.5 times while population climbed 2.6 times since detailed records began to be kept in 1971. Murder rates began to climb down after the passage of the Concealed Weapons Permit law and we went from double digit to single digits in 1991. In October of 2005, Stand Your Ground was passed and from 2006 to 2011, the murder rate again dropped from 6.2 to 5.2. Murders by ALL firearms went from 740 to 695. Murders by handguns went from 450 to 390.

Now, go suck on a tofu cola. We Floridians will take care of our problems on our own without californication.