Month: September 2012

Monster Hunter Legion coming out this week!

The new Larry Correia book in the Monster Hunter International saga comes out this week.

I could go ahead and wax poetically/philosophically/ballistically about it, but this quick summary of the first chapters should give you enough of a hint:


The book is available from Amazon (There was a limited autographed run, I don’t know how many left are there) plus your usual retailers. Barnes and Noble even allows you to order on line and they will hold your copy at your local store for pick up so you don’t have to fight the masses that want a copy or have to deal with the hipster idiots leeching the WiFi while taking 4 hours to drink a latte and much on a tofu cannoli as they discuss the benefits of Schopenhauer’s recipe for molasses and curry to cure Kantian philosophy rickets.

Go git one!

“I’ll be going in your houses!”

Not a long video. Watch it all the way.

Reminds me of that saying: “Don’t write a check with your mouth you can’t cash with your ass.”

I am guessing Castle Doctrine is a legal term these idiots are not familiar with. At least is nice to see that they are keeping the conversation in a civilized level.

PS: Great post in the Youtube comments: :The stench of pachuli & desperation was overwhelming.”

Battlefield weapons like the AR-15 do not belong….wait…what?

The AR-15 was first sold to the Civilian market. Later it was picked up by the military, initially by Air Force General Curtis LeMay who had them used for the SAC Airbases guards.

So peoples! Drop your War designed Mauser-type hunting rifle and pick up a gun for Civilians like a trusty AR-15!

Oh yes, check the price. Kleenex box is right next to you.

Han Shot First: Seal Team Six version.

From the Washington Post:

Bin Laden apparently was shot in the head when he looked out of his bedroom door into the top-floor hallway of his compound as SEALs rushed up a narrow stairwell in his direction, according to former Navy SEAL Matt Bissonnette, writing under the pseudonym Mark Owen in “No Easy Day.”


National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor late Tuesday would not comment on the apparent contradiction between the administration’s account and the book’s version.

Bissonnette writes that during a pre-raid briefing, an administration lawyer told them that they were not on an assassination mission. According to Bissonnette, the lawyer said if bin Laden did not pose a threat, they should detain him.

If the allegations made are true, I still have not figured out why was necessary for this Administration to sanitize the killing of Bin Laden. And why in the heck were SEALs sent to arrest that moron?

Some people apparently still do not understand that there are human creatures in this planet that do not understand the concept of a civilized society and that they must be dealt with accordingly. So, since we know they wanna kill us, we must kill them first. Freebies are stupid and playing peek-a-boo with Seal Team Six is never a good idea.