Month: November 2012

Wounded Warrior Project: Bashful Pimps. (UPDATED)

Last night I caught GunsSaveLive’s post commenting on Steve Nardizzi’s interview on GunTalk. This morning I heard the podcast of the interview in the hope that the small sliver of hope I had remaining could be saved but it died a painful death.

What I heard was a long-winded lawyer talk trying to cover an unexpected manure storm. I have no doubt now that this was not a mistaken PR advice by an external entity but something decided by the board in toto or at least a majority. Such level of stupidity cannot be accomplished but by a group of equally minded fools.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the decision to dump weapon companies was made because they scored a serious major donor who promised salacious bucks under certain conditions (like no icky guns) and the board bent in seven axis at the size of the possible check. At least I hope that’s it, because the other choice is that they want exclusivity on their logo for a Furby-type toy and assorted merchandise deal.

Mind you, they still want our money just please do not associate in any way, shape or form with Wounded Warriors project. They are like Bashful Pimps who want the coinage but refuse being seen with you.

UPDATE: Tom Gresham gives his thoughts on an bonus podcast.

CSGV distraught that Gun Stores do not want to sell guns.

Perhaps you have seen the news or blog posts about this sign:

Some news outlets have made some hash out of it, but most everybody has chuckled at it since it is pretty much impossible to determine who voted for who….unless you are stupid enough to walk in the gun store announcing the fact while wearing Obama memorabilia.

Yet, it never fails that somebody will get their unterhosen in a bunch about the subtle discrimination.

So, are we outraged about guns being sold but we are also outraged that they are not being sold?

That is the problem with irrational & emotional thinking: you get to taste your tinea pedis more often than not. But that is par for the course with the likes of the Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence.

So now I am a Brady Statistic.

Finally my new handgun arrived to my new FFL yesterday but it was not till today that I was able to go retrieve it. I fill the new and improved ATF Form 4473 , presented all my IDs and waited for the guy to call FDLE for my Brady Background check……and waited…..and waited (I figure about 15-20 minutes for that “instant check”)… and it came back DENIED.

I had a spot of trouble once some years ago when in another background check, whomever was on the line had to recheck my name with my SSN because there are several people with my same appellative that are less than Law Abiding, but other than an extra minute on the phone, the background check went without a hitch.

The clerk at the store told me that he was informed several people with my same name appeared as prohibited persons and that is why I was denied. I know the clerk gave the genius on the other side my full SSN so there is no frigging legal reason why I had to be denied. The only “excuse” I can imagine is that they are flooded with background checks and they are in the “fuck it” mode of operations.

I took it personally. I had several background checks after that first issue and not only for guns but for other licenses that required background checks and never had one single solitary problem. How dare some taxpayer-funded customer service nitwit dares to call me a felon? Yes, I am still pissed off 12 hours after the fact.

So now I have to appeal the denial by filling the FDLE 40-020 form, get fingerprinted and send it to Tallahassee. I was given a really bad photocopy of the form at the gun shop so I went online at the FDLE Purchase program and get a better one when, Surprise! two-thirds or more of the links simply did not work including the link for the form.

The only shiny moment was when I emailed the FDLE’s webmaster and alongside the very quick reply about fixing the links, he sent me a copy of the form. How long will it take for FDLE to process the appeal and fix their screw up? Who knows, but in the meantime there is a little gun crying alone in a safe somewhere in South Florida.

And it also really pisses me off that the Bradys and CSGV will use my part on the statistic to lie about how many criminals get rejected by the “Instant” Background Check. Then again I’ll be living proof about the stupidity of their claims.