Month: November 2012


Last night I finally had the chance to listen to Michael Bane’s podcast and his take on the Consulate attack in Libya. I haven’t written about it because it gets me so mad, I’d just write an unending string of cusses and imprecations.

Michael Bane quoted from William Barret Travis and I thought it a very thoughtful epitaph for Glenn Doherty and Tyrone Woods.

“I shall never surrender or retreat.
Then, I call on you in the name of Liberty, of patriotism,
& every thing dear to the American character,
 to come to our aid, with all dispatch —
… If this call is neglected, I am determined to sustain myself  as long as possible & die like a soldier who never forgets what is due to his own honor & that of his country.”
William Barret Travis. El Alamo.


The Josh Horwitz Insurrectionist Library The Anarchist Cookbook.

The Josh Horwitz insurrectionist Library is a new feature on this blog. Since Mr. Horwitz apparently dislikes the First Amendment as much as the Second, I thought that it would be nice to dedicate every Tuesday to post a link to one of those “insurrectionist” publication that he fears so much.

I am going to start with a classic that has been updated: The Anarchist Cookbook (2000).

Enjoy reading it and come back next Tuesday for another “insurrectionist” book.

DISCLAIMER: The links provided in this post are for information purposes only. Information is power. However, if you choose to be an idiot with the information provided here, you are on your own lonesome and should take it like a man…or woman.

Weapon | Cornered Cat

The firearm I carry every day has been designed to make it easy to fight with. I carry it because I intend to use it to defend myself if I am ever attacked. That makes it a weapon in both common English and legal usage, according to both types of dictionaries. There’s nothing wrong with this, because there’s nothing wrong with an ordinary citizen being reasonably equipped and able to defend herself.

via Weapon | Cornered Cat.

Just on that alone, Kathy Jackson nails it. But read the whole thing and you will realize the stupidity on some popular concepts sold as “good” to the masses.