Month: January 2014

Those Politically Correct Solutions can kill you.

A so-called panic button, which is designed to alert a school’s main office to a classroom emergency, reportedly didn’t work after a Key Largo School teacher pushed his repeatedly while a third-grader threatened to shoot and stab his classmates last week.

The threat was apparently just that, and the boy did not have a weapon. But the school’s reaction to the situation sparked outrage among concerned parents who say they were never informed about the incident until after a child told his parents and that couple posted it on Facebook several days later.

via Classroom panic button didn’t work during threat at Key Largo School – Florida Keys –

One more time: In case of death or grave bodily harm, it is PULL THE TRIGGER, not PUSH THE ALARM BUTTON.

As the Opposition loves to say: “How many more children’s bodies have to fall for the common sense to be exercised?”

Surfing in Blood 5: The Final Post (for now).

Some tasty morsels for your enjoyment:

This is what they call the Cohen Memo. It was written by David Cohen, Senior advisor for Civil Ventures, a progressive D.C.Think Tank. The email’s date for this memo is December 23. 2012 and it was sent to Mike Glaze (Head honcho of MAIG) from John Fleinbatt (Chief Advisor to Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg for Policy and Strategic Planning):

cohen memo 01

And this is a screen cap (taken just now) from our friends of Moms Demand Action’s About page:


MAIG Moms Demand MADDYou draw your own conclusions.

And they have troubles trying to get the message across.. no wonder when they do not know the subject matter:
MAIG Private Sales

Remember when MAIG and WalMart came to an agreement some years ago about selling guns at the stores and keeping a registration of who bought what as a bilateral effort? And how WalMart was praised by Mayor Bloomberg for their part in reducing Gun Violence?  Well, WalMart was giving the scorpion a ride across the river.
MAIG Scorpion taleThis is why we cannot deal with this people: they come to the table without any good faith and they will screw you on a millisecond’s notice.

OK,  Ladies and gents. I am done for now scanning all these emails. But more to come.

So, what have we learned from this past posts? To me at least it confirmed that MAIG HQ is composed by a bunch of heartless political animals. That MAIG and the NYC Mayor’s Office were in cahoots and I believe that MAIG was in charge of some offices and officers of the NYC government as if they were employed by MAIG.

They do not have a real grassroots operation: they are top-heavy and need to be in control of all aspects of the message. They have great strategists for messages aimed at  cities like NY or DC but they are myopic about the rest of the country.  The access/control over the established media is amazing and troubling as it seems that journalist are not just complicit but subservient to them….but we have seen this applied in Washington this last 5 years.

They are victims of their own propaganda against the NRA and Gun Owners. They keep underestimating us and our reach to their own peril, something I do not mind at all.  Napoleon is attributed to say that when an enemy is making a mistake, do not correct them. and this would be a case. Then again, if they figure out our “strategy”, they are also screwed as we are dealing from a position of truth, something that is toxic to them.

Just because they are fools, does not mean they are not dangerous. They have not only the media but a powerful set of financial weapons that I wish we had. On an even monetary playing field, we would erase their asses in about 2 years tops.

I wish we could lay our hands on more emails, specially after the battles in the senate and the collapse of the effort to see their state of mind. I bet they were filled with four-letter words.

MAIG faces a tough 2014. After the Colorado recalls, Bloomberg’s name has become toxic to local elections. and that has to chaff him to no avail. I have no doubts that he had/has presidential aspirations but sticking his nose in state elections while still a Mayor of NYC created this carpetbagger effect that is not well received by those south and west of the Hudson River.

Our enemies are not invincible, but they are tough. They can and will be beaten.


Jim Zumbo gets the Grits Gresham Shooting Sports Communicator Award at SHOT

Grits Gresham’s son, Tom Gresham, host of Gun Talk Radio and a previous recipient, presented Zumbo with the award during the Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade ShowSM (SHOT Show®) State of the Industry dinner.

Gresham praised Zumbo’s superlative 40-year communications career and his intellectual honesty in handling a personal and industry firestorm.

“I know the selection of Jim Zumbo might surprise some because of a controversy he set off while working for Outdoor Life,” Gresham said. “But I’m pleased, the award committee, made up of the past recipients and POMA and NSSF representatives, looked at Jim’s entire body of work, as well as his part in awakening hunters to the need to support gun rights and all gun owners, when they voted for Jim in early autumn of 2013.
“After a lifetime of writing magazine articles and books, hosting Jim Zumbo Outdoors, and lecturing about hunting and hunting guns, Jim almost had his great body of work erased by a single mistake, which, in fact, may have done more to educate hunters than everything else he has done.

“After questioning the use of AR-style guns in the realm of hunting in an Outdoor Life blog entry, Jim heard the cries of gun owners. He immediately educated himself about modern sporting rifles and became a proponent of them. That speaks well of his intellectual honesty.”

via Zumbo Recipient of Grits Gresham Shooting Sports Communicator Award : The Outdoor Wire.

Tom emailed me the news and his commentary: “went to a guy with 50 years in the industry ….and started taking vets hunting..on his own dime..long before HAVA or Wounded Warrior.”

I am still a bit put off for what Zumbo did, but he did atone and did not go on being stupid. So, if the NSSF (and more important, Tom Gresham) thinks he deserves it, I can live with it.

In other news, Dick Metcalf continues to step on his first name.

And from our correspondent at the SHOT show…KINETIC CONCEALMENT

Yes, we have somebody at the SHOT Show: Tom Walls. We are not going the old tired way of drooling over the new Germanic perfection, nooooo. Tom will bring us whatever catches his eyes and not everybody’s….yes, we can envy him.






From Tom:

“KINETIC CONCEALMENT. . it’s a new concealment holster. At first glance it looks like a CrossBreed brand but… When you look closely you will notice that the backing is not leather but neoprene bonded to the leather. Portion that actually hold the gun is it is robust with beveled edges .
there are two other cool things. First the hooks that attach the holster to the belt are adjustable for height. Secondly, holster and the clips are attached to the leather neoprene and packing with Boston screws. This lets the user adjust for height and can’t and they can be replaced if damaged. The manufacture states that the price will be $76.95.  One other thing I noticed that is different then the CrossBreed. On the range I’ve seen a lot of cCrossBreed holsters and invariably the leather sweat guard will lose its stiffness start to crawl over. This can interfere with reholstering
  The Kinetic Goncealment holster looks less likely to do that. We have been promised a sample.”
Also, Remington’s new gun never made it to Media Day where the cool kids get to shoot it and form an opinion.  After all the pre-SHOT drumroll, this did not sit well with the attendees.
Tom promises to send more stuff so we can cry on our keyboards.

I am sure you did not help much there Bubba.

The SAFE act is a lot like Obamacare,” he said. “You ask people about specific sections, like covering preexisting conditions or having people on their parents insurance until they’re 26 and everyone says ‘Oh, yeah, I support that.’ But ask about Obamacare, and they say ‘Oh, we need to repeal that.’

via Ex-deputy likens SAFE Act to health care reform.

I know he tried to defend the SAFE act, but that is pretty much like recommending decapitation as cure for migraines.

This is why we fight…

Stolen from Reddit:



My dad teaches a Concealed Carry class, and had this one amazing individual show up.

My dad just now got done telling me the story of how he met this certain man. Like I said in the title, my father teaches a concealed carry class, and one day he had this man pull into our driveway. When my dad went to the car, he saw this handicapped man with no use of his legs sitting in the driver’s seat.

The man went on to inquire about getting his concealed carry license because he lives alone in a bad side of town and has had problems with thieves breaking into his home.

The last incident when his home was broken into, the individuals tied his arms and legs together and threw him into the front yard while they robbed him blind. His homeowners insurance has now cancelled his insurance as well due to him getting robbed so much.

This was taken from the class’s Facebook page: “I had the privilege of teaching concealed carry class today to a handicapped man that had been the past victim of violence. He obviously can shoot as well as any “regular” person. He REFUSES to be a victim! He is now certified as proficient, competent, and knowledgeable regarding concealed carry. WHAT AN HONOR to have been his instructor. ”

I just thought it was such an awesome feat to see this level of determination in a person. Maybe I could get some of you guy’s responses to the picture and get my dad to show it to the man, it would probably lift his spirits. It sure inspired me when my dad told me the story, I thought you guys may like it as well.

Let’s see… he must be a bully, a redneck with a thirst for innocent’s blood, an abuser of women and small children, a psycho, an insurrectionist, etc.

It is the Second Amendment the reason that now he stands a chance to face the cowards that go after him because of his limitations. Those who wish for gun control are just accomplices of criminals & killers.

They hate us because we cater to self-reliance.