Bonnie and Clyde, 80 years ago.
On May 23, 1934 one Clyde Barrow and one Bonnie Parker went the way of the Eternal Aftermath Hell and Resort.
With judicious use of a BAR shot by Bob Alcorn and Fran Hamer’s Remington .35, the careers of the two outlaws came to an end.
There are still some that feel the ambush was not a sporty/god guy thing to do, but Clyde was pretty much a psycho and well armed at that:

Oh well.. all is well and other Shakespearean niceties….
Danke Kapitän Offensichtlich (Thank You Captain Obvious)
That attitude is widely held in Montana, but in Dede’s home country of Germany, the reaction has been very different. Constantin Baron van Lijnden is a law journalist who has written about the case for a German audience.
“There is always this notion of Americans being a bit more trigger-happy,” Lijnden says.
He says there are some Germans who’ll now think twice about sending their kids to the U.S., but points out that German law also allows people to defend themselves with force, at home or on the street. The real difference, he thinks, is a practical one.
“Obviously, a lot more people in America own guns than do in Germany. Almost nobody does in Germany,” Lijnden says. “Even in a worst-case scenario you’re not very likely to get shot in Germany, just for lack of any guns.”
via Invoking ‘Castle Doctrine,’ Mont. Man Pleads Not Guilty In Teen’s Death –
And there lies the rub. You can have all the pretty laws guaran-frigging-teeing you that you have the right to defend yourself, that your home is supposed to be inviolable but if you are not allowed to own the tools to actually do so, the law is as useful as an ashtray in a roller coaster.
Antis keep pounding on Fat Slob & Reefer Boy Texas OC while in Chicago….
CHICAGO (CBS) — The principal of Curie High School has put out a warning to students and parents to leave immediately after school and use a different route after six shootings in 48 hours in nearby neighborhoods.
The school is located at 49th and South Archer. The warning was enough to worry people headed inside the school Wednesday night for an evening workout.
via Curie H.S. Principal Issues Warning After Nearby Shootings « CBS Chicago.
In case you don’t know, returning to your home (or base) through a different route is usually what people (and soldiers) do in a war zone so they do not get ambushed by the Bad Guys (enemy.)
If this is not a waving surrender flag on the folly of Gun Control, I don’t know what else could be.
Maybe Mayor Rahm Emmanuel will raise taxes to buy armored school buses?
Gun Control; It has already started at Gander Mountain Sporting Goods.
“When I was ready to pay for my purchases of gun powder and bullets, the cashier said, “Strip down, facing me.”
Making a mental note to complain to the NRA about the gun control wackos running amok, I did just as she had instructed. When the hysterical shrieking and alarms finally subsided, I found out that she was referring to how I should place my credit card in the card-reader.
I have been asked to shop elsewhere in the future.
They need to make their instructions to seniors a little clearer .
I still don’t think I looked that bad.”
Light Blogging.
Doing some Home projects of the way too long overdue Honey-Do-Or-You-Will-Be-Fed-To-The-Gators list.
So, while I make sure I do no end up floating face down in the lake, I leave you with this piece of (I really do not know what to call it) from the cousins across the Atlantic. If you have reached this level of insecurity, it is time you think about dumping your system and try another one