Moms Demand just threw this out in the Facebook:

Here is a bigger version of the picture:

Dear So-called defenders of the Second Amendment: Can we at least try to dress like we weren’t just expelled out of the local homeless shelter or bought our all our clothing for under $10?
“But Miguel, it is my right so foyck you that’s why!” Guess what retard, it is my right too and you are not helping us by looking like the parody of Gun Owner the Opposition loves to spread around. This happened in Texas and guess what will happen the next time the Open carry bill comes up in the legislature? Guess whose picture and behavior the Opposition will present to the public to garner support for their side? Yes, those two idiots above will be the representation of our side.
And another thing, Shemaghs? Cool if you are fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan, but they look stupid in Downtown Forth Worth (Or any other locale for that matter.) Full Chest rig with all kinds of MOLLE pouches and crap? Ditto. In fact, nothing with MOLLE or in colors like Tan, Desert, Tropical or any kind of Cammo, not even sponsored by Duck Commander.
If your intention is to spread the a message, you can start by dressing with a tried and true US tradition: A T-Shirt. But not any T-shirt but one representing an association and everybody wearing the same one. It calls attention, it says we are a group representing something and we want you to see our message. Here is an example:

These are the folks of Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA). Check for photos of their marches and gatherings in Google. That calls not only attention but positive attention, but they are truly dedicated Gun Rights advocates who most of the time had to go lobby on a work day paying their on way and the managed to beat the Cook County Political machine and get Concealed Carry in Illinois.
For the love of the god of your choosing. If have troubles understanding the concept of the Battle of Perception, stay the hell home, chomp down on some Cheetos, order some Burger King (They now deliver) and watch some New Zealand Underground Anime.
We’ll do the work.
Update: Now this is how you Open Carry a rifle. With class.

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