Month: July 2014

Thank you President Obama

So Obama shuts down the importation of AK variants & Saigas to the US….. and Daddy has a receiver and some parts for an AK sitting unfinished in the depths of a cabinet.

Knowing how people are gonna lose their minds, I expect doubling or tripling my money…..

Daddy is getting his Bolt Action after all this year.

Baseline: Savage Axis. The rest of the money to be invested in a scope which I know it won’t be cheap.

Update: maybe it will be the Mossberg MVP.

Moms Demand: Lax Gun Laws in Colorado? How’s that again?

damen blake Moms Demand

Wait..Lax Laws in Colorado? Whatever happened to the laws that your Master Michael Bloomberg shoved down the throat of the citizens with the help of Hickelooper and a compliant legislature?  You promised that stuff like this would not happen because Coloradoans were safer because of those laws…were you lying?  Did Shannon Watts deceived people? </snicker>

In other news, the shooter,  Damen Blake was arrested by police and it is now sitting in jail. I found this in his Facebook page:

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Top 5 Reasons “Stand Your Ground” Laws should be Repealed.

  1. It helps causing Global Warming.  So many shootings are happening due to Stand Your ground that the greenhouse gases produced by the burning on the propellant are warming the planet by at least 17 degrees.
  2. Illinois Nazis are back. Thanks to Stand Your Ground, the previously dissipated group is back and roaming the streets of Chicago in old station wagons.
  3. Increased birth rate. With many people now carrying guns as penis enhancers and the added stimulus of Stand Your ground, the population rate has suddenly increased due to new-found sexual stamina.  It does get awkward when women are carrying guns and they somehow develop penises.
  4. Twerking. I kid you not, Twerking came about as an interpretative dance showing how people were so afraid of Stand Your Ground that they literally shake out of their undergarments.
  5. Obamacare. Due to the exorbitant number of people being shot due to Stand Your Ground (At least 389,050 in Florida alone in May of 2011,) Congress was forced to pass Obamacare to pay for medical expenses and free beer for those uninsured.
