Month: August 2014

The Law of Unintended Consequences bites Maher and Colbert in the…

My Parents Open Carry 1

Besides Colbert, Bill Maher made fun of the book  because, you know Bill Maher also is smart and he knows better than you and that book is just HORRIBLE!

And, of course shit happens:

My Parents Open Carry 2

 A children’s book about gun rights has benefited from an unexpected boost in sales after it became the subject of a mocking segment on “Real Time with Bill Maher” last week.

“My Parents Open Carry” is the story of a typical Saturday for 13-year-old Brenna Strong, running errands with her parents while they carry handguns in plain sight, or “open carry.”

Published by White Feather Press, the book was made available in 2012 on limited release and picked up by Amazon in February of this year.
Its appearance on “Real Time” on August 1 increased sales dramatically, with orders pouring in, according to White Feather Press founder Skip Coryell.
“Sales were weak for the first few years,” Coryell said. “But after it was trashed on the show, sales have gone up.”
“It happened overnight,” he said. “Took me by surprise as a publisher.”

via Open carry kid’s book a sensation –

Not what Mssers Colbert & Maher were expecting, I am sure.

Hat Tip to Polite Society Podcast.

Clayton Cramer.: PayAttention if your doctor is concerned about Blood Pressure

of Justypertension  is a risk factor for stroke; trust me you don’t want one, even a mild one.  My speech is badly slurred. I really didn’t want a stroke.  I am having to learn to use the right side of my body and it doesn’t like it.  The right side muscles are weak, in some cases, voluntary muscles no longer respond to orders.  I can’t raise my right arm at all.  I AM  NOW A HUNT AND PECK TYPIST, which is a great indignity for someone who has been a touch typist since I was in the sixth grade.

via Clayton Cramer.: PayAttention if your doctor is concerned about Blood Pressure.

More prayers sent… He’ll be back, I know so.

Smart Gun, no so smart designer.

Ernst Mauch Armatix

“It hurts my heart,” the 58-year-old gun designer said. “It’s life. It’s the lives of people who never thought they’d get killed by a gun. You have a nice family at home, and then you get killed. It’s crazy.”

via German gun designer’s quest for a smarter weapon infuriates U.S. gun rights advocates – The Washington Post.

Ernst Mauch is designing & building the Smart Gun to keep us safe…which he immediately demonstrates by pointing the gun at the photographer. 

(insert favorite facepalm pic here)

Missouri may need Anti-Rabies shots.

…because Gun Control people are foaming at the mouth after voters overwhelmingly went for strict scrutiny of the Second Amendment.

csgv missouri vote


And not surprisingly, the followers or Reverend Ladd Everitt proceeded to go for every prejudiced expression against the South, Southerners and gun owners in the book.

Mike Cohen Fuck the south.

John Purser Ah the red states. Where guns have rights and pregnant women don’t.

Walter Jaworski And more will die Thanks to the NRA.

Leslie Parsley Fuck everyone who wants to fuck the South. You are just as ignorant.

Audrey Ohlson Smith Have they reinstated duels also?

Bob Niemi Mississippi is the poorest and least educated state in the union and their worrying about bolstering gun rights?!
(This guy can’t tell the difference between states, it is all flyover country)

Jude Sommerjones Yeah, over 50% of us are ignoramuses!

Barry R. Bertram I live in missouri and have never felt more hopeless or afraid. There is nothing more threatening than the thought of uneducated, heavily armed, bubbas wondering around just itching to blow someone away.

Pretty much every other Gun Control group has nothing to comment about Missouri.  But I think the comments from the Laddites is a good indicator how much they are hurting, specially since they cannot complain that “The NRA bought legislators” but was an election in which 60% voted in favor and that is not something to sneeze at.  But the sheer hate and prejudice coming out of those who claim themselves to be “Our Betters” is impressive. With this crowd, taking up torches and pitchforks, and going after something or somebody is not stretching the imagination too much.


Again, Self-Defense is not a sporting event.

STOCKTON, Calif. – Twenty-four-year-old Carlos Soto didn’t hesitate a second when it was clear his Morada home was being broken into at 4 o’clock Tuesday morning.

“I had no other reaction than to go over there, hit the first guy and he fell. The other guy, the bigger guy, grabbed me from behind and tried to take me down. I wrestled in college, and when he grabbed me I threw him against the wall,” Soto said.

What Soto didn’t anticipate was getting shot and that’s what happened as the robbers were trying to leave the home in the community just northeast of Stockton.

“I went to chase him and got to the door and felt my leg go numb. There was blood everywhere, got shot in the leg,” Soto said.

via Home invasion victim fights back, gets shot.


Again, Self-Defense is not a sporting event. Once you are engaged in a situation like that, you do not get extra points for fighting clean, hitting above the belt or going to your corner. And sure as hell demonstrates one more that armed combat beats unarmed combat. And Ego?  Ego can kill you just as easy as walking the wire while texting.

Maybe it is time again to re-read & relearn Col Cooper’s Principles of Personal Defense.