Month: August 2014

Two Home Invasions, Two Outcomes.

Witnesses tell San Antonio police two men broke into an apartment unit by breaking down a door, but someone inside the apartment opened fire on them.

The men attempted to run, but one was shot several times, San Antonio police said.

The men managed to get into a car, but were met by SAPD officers who responded to the scene.

via SAPD: Alleged intruder shot, killed in home invasion.


At gunpoint, the teens stole property from Antequera and then forced both victims inside the home through the rear-sliding glass door.

Antequera entered the home first, but when Perez entered, he attempted to close the sliding glass door behind him. Police said the teens fired several shots into the home, shattering the glass door and striking Perez, then fled in an unknown direction.

Doctors determined Perez’s spine was severed and he would be paralyzed from the waist down, according to Miami-Dade police. He is listed in critical but stable condition. Antequera was not hurt

via Man suffers paralysis after armed Miami home invasion | News – Home.

Home Invasions MUST be treated as cases with extreme repercussions against the residents. While there are cases which were “simple” burglaries in which the bad guy thought nobody was home, I believe that most Home Invasions are done knowingly that somebody is inside the house and that meant deadly force will be used to subdue the inhabitants.

Home is a place of relaxation and rightly so. But at the same time we have to be prepared to react fast and violently if the need arises. The “Just give them what they want” line has been proven deadly wrong too many times and it is not even a bad joke anymore.

Be smart, be ready. Don’t fight fair.

The sudden puckering in any business with a Gun Free Zone sign.

The owner of the Aurora movie theater that was the site of a deadly 2012 attack could have reasonably enough foreseen the danger of such an attack to be held liable for it, a federal judge ruled Friday.

Noting “the grim history of mass shootings and mass killings that have occurred in more recent times,” U.S. District Court Judge R. Brooke Jackson ruled that Cinemark — owner of the Century Aurora 16 theater — could have predicted that movie patrons might be targeted for an attack. Jackson’s ruling allows 20 lawsuits filed by survivors of the attack or relatives of those killed to proceed toward trial

via Federal judge rules Aurora theater shooting was foreseeable – The Denver Post.

Even though this does not apply in Florida (here the GFZ signs are pretty much window decoration unless you are in one o the few locations the law prohibits to carry) it has to send shocks to states where ignoring the signs do carry legal penalties.

As much as many have cheered this decision, I am not liking it much and not because of the gun angle but because it may open doors to other stupid lawsuits: You should have insulin on the premises because you sell candy and an irresponsible diabetic can hog himself into a sugar coma or you should have epi pens because you have flowers outside, etc.

It also does not change the law. It is still there and I much rather have it either eliminated or at least not enforced or simply ignored by force of disuse.

And finally because the last thing we need is to be associated with tort lawyers seeking a quick payday.

Just my opinion.

Coalition to Stop Gun Violence: Dear Negroes, stay unarmed.

I don’t think the Klan would be this forward:

CSGV Dear Negroes

See? If you are black, you must not have a gun or they will send the big bad cop to shoot you.

CSGV has been jonesing badly for mass shooting between cops and  civilians. They are getting so desperate that they are now wishing cops to start unloading in blacks so they can blame it on Insurrectionists everywhere…because you know there are NRA members in hiding even among cops, a fifth column of alleged traitors.

These are sick people… very sick.

Dear CSGV: Quod Erat Demonstrandum

CSGV NRA Ferguson

Every dystopian warning of the gun group has come true in Missouri, yet the organization is offering no sympathy for the African American victims.

via Why Isn’t the NRA Defending Ferguson’s Blacks? – The Daily Beast.

Why? Because the NRA is not a false Do-Good organization that promises to solve all your problems if you only vote for them/give them boatloads of money/appear with the proper media stars.

Unlike Moms Demand or Illegal Mayors or Brady, we are not a selected few telling the little people how to do or behave. The NRA is not a top to bottom organization where the top elite waves like a roman emperor to his subjects. We just simply figure shit has to be done, we get it going and we get it done. No waiting for subsidies.

Hell, we are even aware that many shooters not associated with the NRA benefit from what we do, yet we do not close them out when we win in a court or a legislature but we let them share the spoils. No Union card necessary.

And you still do not get it. You even admit we were right altogether! And that alone is a beauty on its own: Q.E.D.

And that is why we win and we will keep winning.

PS: The NRA could have done something about Ferguson after all: open a booth to sign up for new membership.

NSFW: Robber shoots himself and clerk at same time.

ATLANTA – Hotel security cameras show the unidentified robber walk into the hotel office. The man bought a snack out of a vending machine then walked to the counter and pulled a gun on Vrajesh Patel, 19, according to police.

It appears other customers were not aware of the robbery until the gun fired.

When the gun went off, Patel was hit in the stomach, but at virtually the same time, a second bullet from the gun hits the robber in the head, according to detectives.

via – Robber shoots himself and clerk at same time.

Go to 2:16 and watch.

I smell rancid cod on this one. Somehow and accidentally the bad guy shoots the clerk in the stomach, manages to do a reverse Curly Bill Spin, rotate the gun 90 degrees and proceeds to shoot himself in the head? and all in fractions of a second?
My money goes to somebody off camera popping the bad guy and a sympathetic reaction got the clerk shot.

The “riots” at Ferguson.

After three nights of watching live video feeds and listening to the St. Louis PD scanner, I have come to the conclusion  that  false advertising is alive and well in the XXI century.

If you check social media or Main Stream, you’d swear that there is a battlefield in about two blocks worth of city with bodies strewn all over the place, cars on fire and people running amok while the cops spray them with 50 caliber machine guns, sort of like in Robocop when the Detroit Police went on strike.

Let me summarize: People gather in the streets, chant, somebody throws something, cops send about 50 tear gas grenades and some flash bangs, people retreat half a block. This is repeated a couple of times till everybody gets bored and goes home or the local McDonald’s needs to open for breakfast.

Last night was the worst. Maybe a people gathered around, cops formed in a marching line. A warning is issued to the media to move to their assigned safe area, they do: about 10 people who were there to protest left in the street.

This crap is being fueled by whatever interest are out there. Having Benjamin Crump as lawyer representing the parents of Mike Brown kinda says a lot and it is mostly Trayvon 2.0 with a better software patch.

But the truth is that no matter how brightly painted you get the snails, racing them won’t make them NASCAR.  That is pretty much the riots at Ferguson.

PS: Over the scanner, I heard the call of four men with rifles at a location not too far from the protest. Police arrived within minutes. Report back :Store owners keeping an eye on things. No action taken. NFR 😀

A fully militarily weaponized Miami-Dade Police Force?

The Detroit Free Press has a very interesting data base search engine that allows you to search what kind of military gifts your county has received from the Federal Government.  Miami Dade has made out like a bandit with six armored vehicles, two observation helicopters, 5 grenade launchers and two hundred and forty assault rifles.  These are not the semi automatic versions civilians get to buy at the local gun shop but full auto capability in the majority of cases. Two hundred and twenty-eight rifles are in 5.56mm which makes them in all probability M4s and out of those one hundred and ninety two rifles were given to Miami Dade between 2012 and 2013. That is very interesting since the other two times rifles of this particular caliber were given to MD was in 2006 for a grand total of 10 rifles and then in 2009 for a total of 16 rifles. What kind of issues were so impending security wise that the sudden need to accept enough rifles to fit an army company? But if that was not enough, the value assigned to the weapons is amazing. The 7.62 rifles (Those could be from bolt-action to semi automatic) are valued at $ 138.00 each in a county where you cannot find a 100-year-old Russian made Mosin Nagant surplus rifle for that price without having a mob of people rush into your store. The “value” of the M4s for 2012 is listed at $495 which again would send civilians into a shopping spree since they are between 40% and 50 % cheaper than the semi auto versions. But what would make gun shop owners hire several platoons of vikings on bisons for crowd control would be to sell M4s at the value assigned in the 2013 rifles:  $120.00. Now Broward County must be on the naughty list because they got nothing but old trucks, but Monroe County (Florida Keys for those in Georgia and farther northern states) got a total of 34 M4s, an observation helicopter and $800,865.00 Cargo plane. Has Cuba threatened to invade us and we civilians have not been told?  If I were a suspicious person, I’d think that the local government is somehow afraid of its population and feel the need for more firepower than they already had.

Bad news: I am a suspicious person.

Hat Tip: Lagniappe’s Lair.