Month: August 2014

It is called shooting dynamics, not shooting statics. (Somewhat graphic content)

Gigantic caveat: I am not a famously well-known TV coroner or we have all the information in the case, so take this for what is worth.

If you have not heard, the New York Times released what appeared to be a diagram of Michael Brown’s autopsy:

Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge

It is always a risk to come up with an instant “aha!” by looking at static two-dimensional paper renditions of a dynamic three-dimensional event, but that apparently does not stop some.

Last night or early this evening, I saw in Twitter the following:

MB surrender


Figuring that maybe a new video or other source appeared with new info, I prompted the author about the source and I was sent to MSNBC. But there was no mention of “downward angle in surrender” but just the location of the shots. When told that MSNBC had not expressed that qualifier, I got this response:

MB surrender 2

Most people are rather ignorant (as in lack of knowledge) about shootings getting most of their info from movies and TV shows. Life however is not a tidy script written in an air-conditioned suite in Hollywood and it differs from the “imagination” of a writer.

People react when pieces of lead traveling at high rates of speed impact their bodies. They feel pain and immediate movements happen. I found this video in LiveLeak (00:40) and it shows somebody being shot in the stomach and the movements after. here are some screen shots:

stomach 1
Before the shot: Standing straight up.
stomach 2
Bullet impact. Notice a “contrail” coming out of the back of the subject who is already bending forward.
stomach 3
The head is already at 45 degrees and the arms coming closer to the body.
stomach 4
The top of the head is now at 90 degrees from vertical facing the shooter and the arms are almost tucked to the side of the body.
stomach 5
Falling. Right arm tucked in full contact with the side of the body.
stomach 6
On the ground.

In the video you will notice that all these movements happened in a second. Having seem similar reaction in different videos and you yourself seen it if you ever playfully pretended to ht a friend in the stomach, it is in the realm of possibility that something similar happened with the Michael Brown shooting.

Humans will react to pain in the pain/chest area by crouching and or trying to get in a fetal position as way to protect the internal organs, we are hard-wired that way. But the problem is that we have a Narrative already set in motion by whatever pundits decided it would be profitable and normal human reactions do not conform to it so it must be ignored:

MB surrender 3

There is comfort in self-delusion I guess.

Moms Demand: What is next? Booze and Hookers?

Caught this one yesterday:

Moms Demand Kid Cigarrette

It keeps striking me a funny and hypocritical that Moms Demand get crazy at the idea of our kids safely shooting under adult supervision nut have no issues having kids holding those evil assault “weapons”  in a public school, now giving a kid a cigarette and pontificate that the kids will imitate adults.

MOms Demand Kid Rifle 1

MOms Demand Kid Rifle 2


At the opening bell of the stock market on Monday, you should buy Irony futures because they may be in high demand by Bloomberg and his Moms.

No Duty to Protect for Political Expediency

I am amazed at technology. Last night instead of going to bed at a decent hour, I was hooked online watching a Citizen Journalist’s live feed of what was going on in Ferguson, MO. At the same time, I was listening to the St Louis PD scanner online also brought by a third-party and transmitted online.

So sometime around midnight local time, police had formed up at the location where Michael Ferguson  Brown had died and the crowds seemed a bit miffed about it after receiving assurances from the chief of police that no more violent actions from them would be forthcoming that night. Apparently the presence of the Po-Po was enough excuse that some less than interested-in-the-cause individuals, even when there was no action from the police,  decided at around 1:30 am local (yes, an hour and a half later) to go ahead and loot a liquor store, a dollar-type store and a beauty-supply business.

The police response was zero, even when they were a block away from the events and a police helicopter flew several times over the area and trained the spotlight over the businesses being looted.

And when journalists flocked over the locations to cover the event, they were received with threats of bodily harm bu men with their faces covered and in some instances pushed away from the parking lots and into the streets. It took at least another 30 to 40 minutes for other protesters to intervene and secure the stores from the vultures of opportunity, but by then the damage was done both in terms of monetary value and moral high ground for the protests.

I quit watching sometime after 3 am and police had still not moved to secure the businesses.  And from I could gather in my Twitter feed, apparently it never happened. Some business owners however did not expect the police to be of help and kept watch over their property which remained unmolested.

Ferguson Second Night Store Owner

Sad times we are living in when your taxpayer-funded “safety” can be manipulated in the name of politics.

UPDATE: A link to a news story showing the looting to the liquor store.


‘Government monopoly on force,’ as demanded by CSGV, on display in Ferguson, MO

“Finally, we acknowledge the comparisons that many are drawing between what is happening in Ferguson and the armed standoff that took place at the Bundy ranch this past April. The dramatic differences in law enforcement response to the two events are difficult to ignore. Why are white pro-gun activists able to point loaded firearms at law enforcement and avoid accountability under the law altogether while unarmed, peaceful African-American citizens are met with a militarized police force and mass arrests?”
You want to know why the Bundy ranch guardians were able to make the government back down, while Ferguson residents remain under the government’s jackboots, CSGV? It’s because at the Bundy ranch, the government knew that they would not enjoy a “monopoly on force”–that they would pay for their excesses in blood, more of it than they were willing to lose. The Ferguson cops, on the other hand, clearly like their overwhelming edge in firepower.

That’s your “government monopoly on force,” CSGV. Own it.

via ‘Government monopoly on force,’ as demanded by CSGV, on display in Ferguson, MO – St. Louis gun rights |

And Kurt nails it again…

Suddenly the specter of what CSGV has been wishing to happen to us might happen to them make the Ladd and his Laddites very uncomfortable. But they find themselves trapped with their own words and wants. It is incredible that a group of allegedly intelligent individuals would think themselves somehow immunized from the maladies of unchecked government just because they played cheerleader.


CSGV: Being Insurrectionist is not easy for them.

CSGV more Ferguson

It has become a joke. Trying to do their civic duty Social Justice Warriors and criticizing the events in Ferguson while somehow in their twisted little minds make them look as it was the Bundy Ranch all over is putting a strain on its followers.

The comments go from “send the Ferguson cops to the Bundy Ranch” to “they are all the same” to heavy use of the race card and blaming White Privilege to shove the White Privilege up to a body cavity to all being an NRA conspiracy to sell more guns to …. oh hell, they are all over the place. The link is provided, you go on and have fun.

In other news, the insertion of an NRA operative as Social Media Coordinator for CSGV has been successful <snicker>

WAIT ONE! I just happened to notice they issued a official statement which is as funny as you could imagine.

So what do you get when you mix Open Carry Texas with The New Black Panthers ?

Nothing but a big bowl of stupid apparently.

“I’m going to tell you something homie, this is Fifth Ward, you ain’t coming in here running nothing,” community activist Quanell X said while flanked by members of the New Black Panther Party, who were holding assault rifles.

The two groups sat across from one another at a small folding table under a tree near the intersection of Lockwood and Lyons to discuss the details of Saturday’s upcoming event.
Local 2 Investigates counted 15 Houston police officers on-hand to monitor the meeting.

“You’re coming into the Fifth Ward and to the black community as insurgents,” said Krystal Muhammad, with the New Black Panther Party.

“I beg your pardon?” said David Amad, with Open Carry Texas.

“You are insurgents,” said Muhammad.

Via SooperMexican

Screw it… I am going back to bed.