Month: October 2014

Dear Shannon, check the law.

Fresh from the Moms Demand brier patch:

dmitry smirnovdmitry smirnov 2Actually you can buy a gun in the US not being a citizen. Legal Alien Residents can buy guns, I know I did. Even ATF knows it.

Q: Are there certain persons who cannot legally receive or possess firearms and/or ammunition?
Yes, a person who —
5. Is an alien illegally or unlawfully in the United States or an alien admitted to the United States under a nonimmigrant visa;

Even your bosses, the Illegal Majors against guns know it!

dmitry smirnov 3

The above screen cap is from the Majors Against Illegal Guns document “Felon Seeks Firearm, No Strings Attached” incidentally located in the taxpayer-funded website of the New York City website.

Kentucky appears to be stuck with dumb and dumber This November.

Our less-than-official correspondent up North in the South, Bluegrass Bruce ain’t happy.

It looks like Kentucky gun owners are left without a good option this November

Although we are balanced down here, I wouldn’t mind Senator Nelson to finally call it quits. Problem is GOP is being a weakling douche and the Libertarian Party is as exotic as a Ninja albino Lobster that speaks creole.

“But it’s unloaded…” | Cornered Cat

The picture was posted on the Facebook page of a training company I’m not otherwise familiar with (although I do like their reaction to this nonsense, and would like to know more about them). In case you can’t read the writing in the screenshot, here’s what their post said:

“One of our instructors attended a course last weekend in Oklahoma. One of the drills entailed unloading your gun then pointing it at one of the class instructors and dry firing. This was to get you used to pointing your gun at a real person. Please notice the loaded mags still on the belt. I’m pretty sure this violates one or more of the four Golden Rules of gun safety. Our guy DID NOT participate in this portion of the class. What do you guys think?”

Smart firearms instructors do not break the Four Rules when they handle firearms, and they don’t make excuses that let students break even one of those rules during class. Smart gun owners don’t throw out the Other Three Rules every time they think they’ve unloaded the gun. They don’t break the rules just because they think they have something more important to do with the gun than not shooting innocent people. There’s always a plausible-sounding excuse to break the rules, especially those other three rules. But too often those excuses lead to tragedy.

via “But it’s unloaded…” | Cornered Cat.

As usual, read and come back.

Basics, Basics, Basics. When in doubt, default to the basics.






We have common sense. If something looks funky, just avoid it or quit. As much as possible, before taking any class, do your due diligence and investigate the instructor. If they have videos online, check them out and see if they fit what you are trying to achieve. And even if you are already taking the class and their adherence to the Four Rules leave a lot to be desired, walk away. You won’t get a refund but you won’t get shot or learn drills that may hurt somebody.

I know it is tempting to go to a school that does High Speed-Low Drag tactical stuff, but you ain’t gonna be kicking doors in Afghanistan or a Meth Lab in Oakland: You are a frigging civilian.  Good and very good shooters take basic classes over and over again because the basics never die. Invest your money on instructors and schools that are recognized and have been doing this for a long time. Gunsite or Thunder ranch graduates that become instructors tend to concentrate a lot on the basics of shooting and to ingrain safety on the shooters. I know there is now a fashion where a new generation of “instructors” dismiss the teachings of Col. Jeff Cooper because it is “old” and out of touch. That would be like dismissing the alphabet for the same reason.


Moms Demand Action: Marie Delus.

Marie Delus MDA banner

Ms. Delus is a face we have seen popping a couple of times. I am guessing that with the whole “NRA wants to kill women” meme and having so many NRA members and friends from the Military, she is needed to act as counter-balance: “See we have a Military Woman that agrees with us.. and she shoots too”! kind of thing.

So, who is Marie Delus? Let her do her own intro:

My name is Marie Delus. I am a United States Marine Corp Veteran of Desert Storm, a Civil Servant in City government, an advocate and member of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, a Mom, a Grandmother and I am also hurt, disappointed and close to despondent because forty-five so-called “Leaders”, Members of Congress, didn’t have the guts to vote “yes” to common sense Background Checks.   On November 11, 2008, my family lost my Nephew, Pierre-Paul Jean-Paul, to a bullet in Cambria Heights, Queens.

via GUEST POST: “Cowards” by United States Marine Corp Veteran and Mother, Marie Delus « It Can Happen Here.

Her Linkedin profile is a bit more descriptive:

I have worked for the city as a manager for twelve years, and have worked in city government for over twenty years, and am extremely knowledgeable about New York City’s rules and regulations regarding agency managers and administrative personnel, as well as overall city agency procurement policy and procedures. I am the President of T Flip R, LLC a for-profit organization that assist Not-for-Profit Organizations, Small Business, and Corporation with their community, national and international charitable initiatives. Academically I possess an Executive Masters degree in Public Administration from Baruch College, and a Bachelor of Arts from the College of New Rochelle.

At least she did not play the Stay-at-Home Mom bit. But here is when things start to get a bit fuzzy:

I am currently the Deputy Agency Chief Contracting Officer (Deputy ACCO) for the Office of the Mayor’s Fiscal Operations. In that capacity, I plan, direct and manage contractual/procurement activities for some 45 mayoral units and subdivisions; direct various professional and other staff members in agency research activities and the resolution of various contractual issues; and manage the Accounts Payable, Contracts, Purchasing, Travel & Budget Units

That is the Office of the Mayor of New York City and has held that position for 18 years & 3 months. Now as president of T, Flip R LLC, a for profit corporation that states in its website that they identify charitable initiatives; assist with the preparation of proposals; seek corporation sponsorships and State, Federal grants; organize/host fund-raising and various events.  May this be a bit of conflict of interest? I have no problem with a for-profit organization capable of cutting through red tape but doing it while working for a government agency at the same time? Then again I am not hip to Tammany politics.

And she did do Volunteer work in Haiti after the earthquake in 2010, God Bless her for that. According to her blog:

Marie Delus blog banner

She appears to have spent 2 weeks in what was hell on earth.  That is deserving of congratulations.

In her blog (update infrequently, about one or two posts per year after 2010) we also see her gun control activism surface:

Marie Delus blog will not debate


The No-Debate policy is nothing new. Moms Demand Social Media will not accept contrary opinions and will ban those who post them. Nothing news there. And she is a wee bit intolerant about those who contrary her on the matter:

Marie Delus blog will not debate stuff it

But what struck me as funny is that for a former Marine, she does not use the proper terminology or makes the difference between Assault/Military rifles and what is sold to civilians and uses bullets instead of cartridge or rounds. She touts to be a Marine who qualified as Sharpshooter so this should be an easy thing to remember, specially when she states that she enjoyed shooting in the military.

Checking on more of her post, I found this one:

Marie Delus Conspiracy Theory


And then, this one:

Marie Delus violent poem



I am not passing judgement.  Her family has a history of dealing with violence and God knows how it may have affected her.  I do find fascinating that Everytown and Moms (and the Left in General) have no problem dragging and manipulating people in pain for their political agenda to discard them once their usefulness is over.

And if anybody thinks I am wrong, tell me: Has anybody heard of Andrew Goddard lately? How about Cindy Sheehan? The parents of the Sandy Hook kids mentioned much? It seems that they came with an expiration date, are not useful anymore. They suddenly have the value of a pet Rock, a Mood ring or a Furby.

6 Reasons Why Modern Defensive Ammo is Better Than Ever | Handguns

Contrary to what your grandparents might tell you, the best things are not all behind us. Modern materials and machining have made current defensive ammunition superior in every way to what was available just a few years ago, and there are a number of reasons why.

via 6 Reasons Why Modern Defensive Ammo is Better Than Ever | Handguns.

As long as we remember that handgun ammo is still under-powered compared to most rifle ammo and that there is no such thing as one-shot stop.

Good reading.

Silencer-Gate: A supressed Fast & Furious?

Capping an investigation that began almost two years ago, separate trials are scheduled this month in U.S. District Court in Alexandria, Va., for a civilian Navy intelligence official and a hot-rod auto mechanic from California who prosecutors allege conspired to manufacture an untraceable batch of automatic-rifle silencers.

The exact purpose of the silencers remains hazy, but court filings and pretrial testimony suggest they were part of a top-secret operation that would help arm guerrillas or commandos overseas.

The silencers — 349 of them — were ordered by a little-known Navy intelligence office at the Pentagon known as the Directorate for Plans, Policy, Oversight and Integration, according to charging documents. The directorate is composed of fewer than 10 civilian employees, most of them retired military personnel.

via Probe of silencers leads to web of Pentagon secrets – The Washington Post.

$1.6 million dollars for 349 silencers. That comes about $4,733,63 per silencer. Silencerco most expensive 30 caliber silencer retails for $1,600 and are done my properly licensed craftsmen.

Expect this case to be buried deeper than the Titanic. Stinks to high heaven.

Hat Tip to Travis B. via Facebook.