Month: October 2014

The NRA is responsible for Ebola in the US. (CSGV/MSNBC) UPDATED wih MDA Goodness.


UPDATE: Shannon Watts joins in the idiocy..

Moms Demand Shannon Ebola

Every day brings more details about the first case of the Ebola virus to be diagnosed in the U.S. And while experts say there is essentially no risk of a significant outbreak here in the states, much of the public remains worried…..
If only there was someone around who could educate the American public about the actual level of risk. Someone who was trusted as a public health expert and whose job it was to help us understand what we really need to worry about and what precautions we should take.

Actually, that is one of the primary responsibilities of the United States surgeon general. There’s just one problem: Thanks to Senate dysfunction and NRA opposition, we don’t have a surgeon general right now. In fact, we haven’t had a surgeon general for more than a year now — even though the president nominated the eminently qualified Dr. Vivek Murthy back in November 2013.

via How the NRA is making the Ebola crisis worse | MSNBC.

The Surgeon General is pretty much some dude that tells you what to eat, not to eat and to wear your seat-belts. It is a political position rather than a hands-on medical post. And if that was not enough, Dr. Murthy is an Internist which means he is sort of designated hitter in the medical profession.

If there is an outbreak, the government entity in charge will be the Center for Diseases Control with the support of U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) which are the entities they are supposed to be trained in these kind of things.

Depending on the Surgeon General for an Ebola outbreak would be like taking an accident victim to the local Social Security office instead of the ER.

Gothic Serpent

MSG Gary Ivan Gordon
SFC Randy Shughart
SSG Daniel D. Busch
SFC Earl Robert Fillmore, Jr.
MSG Timothy “Griz” Lynn Martin
CPL James “Jamie” E. Smith
SPC James M. Cavaco
SGT James Casey Joyce
CPL Richard “Alphabet” W. Kowalewski, Jr.
SGT Dominick M. Pilla
SGT Lorenzo M. Ruiz
SSG William “Wild Bill” David Cleveland, Jr.
SSG Thomas “Tommie” J. Field
CWO Raymond “Ironman” A. Frank
CWO Clifton “Elvis” P. Wolcott
CWO Donovan “Bull” Briley
SGT Cornell Lemont Houston, Sr.
PFC James Henry Martin, Jr.



When wires cross, hilarity ensues.

Which is to say that, whether or not the allegedly well-intentioned reformers of Moms Demand Action and are aware of it, they are flirting with disaster. On the surface, Ann Marie’s grubby little hope that police will eventually “have a run in with one of these clowns” may appear to be less threatening than was Ronald Ritchie’s fatal mendacity. But, if Marie were successful, the end result would likely be the same. There is no kind way of putting this, I’m afraid: Ultimately, what we are seeing on the fringes of the gun-control movement is the suggestion that American citizens be “SWATted” for their choices — that, in the name of a political disagreement, one party calls the cops on another and, under false pretenses, puts them in harm’s way. Is this reconcilable with “common sense” change?

via Moms Demand SWATting | National Review Online.

I had clicked on that article as it appeared in my Facebook timeline and when I read the mention of this blog, I started laughing. It was a merry laugh because I immediately figured out that there was an obvious and “serious” case of garbled signals between Bob Owens and Charles C. W. Cooke. Regular readers have seen Bob in the Comments section and I have sent you over his blog in several occasions and he is a gentleman and a proud defender of Gun Rights.

I contacted him via Facebook (OK. Threatened him with a duel with Nerf Guns. Reparations must be made!) and he was apologetic. I have not had contact with Mr. Cooke before, but I have heard him on the NRA News podcast several times so I know he is also cool, specially for a Brit…OK, kidding aside, he is one smart fella, keep him on your must-read list.

I am guessing the article will eventually be fixed, I can wait. If CSGV or Moms read the article, they should be having fits as neither have much love for yours truly and specially CSGV who has put me in his “Insurrectionist/Must Be Sent to Detention/Re-Education Camp” list.

Then again, I am a suspicious person. Maybe Bob Owens was trying to get me Blog-SWATted?


CSGV keeping an eye on the Chris Kyle movie.

CSGV Kyle 2


Dear Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence:

I can tell you up front that you guys won’t like it.  He died at the hands of a sick man he was trying to help. He believed that No Man Left Behind applied even after service was over because he knew the nightmares weren’t.

And you won’t like it because it will show he had Honor, a foreign concept to you guys.