Month: November 2014

CSSGV: Stepping deep into a s***hole they were not expecting.

Somebody deep in CSGV HQ decided it would be a good idea to come against this shirt offered by Ranger Up.

CSGV Ranger Up tshirt

The shirt’s message is humorous and harsh: Yes, some Vets might be suffering from PTSD but that does not give anybody the right to treat them as some sort of dangerous sub-species of human, untrustworthy to be walking about our streets.

As we have know to happen, the Laddittes came out on full force being stupid,

Audrey Ohlson Smith The gun mentality is the biggest threat to our country!!!

Alex McKinlay Ironically, they have just strengthened the case for tougher gun laws. Then again, they’re probably too stupid to realize it.

Judi Green Our gun culture’s mass shootings is slowly desensitizing us from our own humanity. This T-shirt is a manifestation of that madness.

Jeanne Ellsworth Wallace That’s one big sicko!!! After a very recent mass school shooting in Washington state, this is close to my heart, and his shirt is not the least bit funny. I’d warn the police of his intentions!

Carl Thayer How bloody bizarre: it’s like seeing inside the mind of an actual lunatic. How extraordinary.

Karl Rines If they put it on…. take away their guns and lock them up in a mental ward immediately.

Linda Lloyd Unbelievable…promoting senseless violence…why?

Sean Pronay I’m pretty sure I would be well within my legal rights shooting anyone who wears that shirt … at least in states with stand-your-ground laws

Sean Pronay Again, Steven, please see my comments of 11:11 Tuesday. My position is that wearing a message like this (especially while doing something others might find suspicious, like um, I dunno, maybe openly carrying a gun in public) is at best a dumb idea, and at worst indication of a death wish. And if you’re doing it in a state with an SYG law, and maybe your complexion isn’t as pale as mine, there’s at least a slim chance you’ll get fatally shot and your killer will be acquitted.

Elizabeth Cornwell This shirt looks like grounds for arrest and not just for being *!@#$%&* stupid!

Eddie Delisio The domestic terrorist wannabe shirt.


What they were not expecting (and had kept the poor media intern busy deleting comments) was the reaction of veterans against being treated, again, as a dangerous animals. And being vets, some of the counter-comments are just “illustrative” and plain genius:

Rodney Woelfel Instead of treating us Vets like second class citizens maybe you should at least try to understand us then you just might realize what the TRUE MESSAGE this shirt is sending. You will NEVER understand us but at least you can try to and STOP treating us like we are Monsters and second class.

BJ Bromer What Liberals and gun-grabbers don’t get is that us vets have an oath that we took. We will never give up our 2A rights. Got my 11 Bravo degree at the university of Ft. Benning.

Loren Scott You don’t understand it so you think it shouldn’t be allowed… Tolerance…

Loren Scott Ironic how many comments by veterans have been deleted by the moderators up this messed up page

Tony Barone

Tony Barone's photo.


Preston Gamblin FREEDOM OF SPEECH! LOOK IT UP, IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT DON’T BUY IT…UNTIL THEN LEAVE THE BROTHERS AND SISTERS OF THE VETERAN COMMUNITY ALONE! Ranger Up, ART15, and Grunt Style, are just a few of the companies Owned, Operated, and employee Veterans that understand Veterans, and assist Veterans! If the Veteran community found this shirt “Offensive” Ranger Up would have pulled it ASAP! Quite your crying about what you think is best for the Veteran community…Try Shuttin your damn mouth for five minutes and listen!!!!!!

Daniel A Cox

Daniel A Cox's photo.


David Wagner

David Wagner's photo.


    • The Blue Falcon Army But seriously, I have a hard time believing that this gun control page isn’t run by a bunch of trolls.
      Seriously, are people this fucking retarded in real life.

Ken White I think I speak for most of the vets on here I say, the next time you have a thought do us all a favor and just let it go.

Bryan Edmonds Un-adulterated jackassery… Go fuck yourselves.


Now I go buy a shirt …

Tim Carey

Tim Carey's photo.


Robert Conner II

Robert Conner II's photo.


There are more replies from vets, too many in fact that CSGV is having a tough time catching up and deleting them. But I like this last one as it summarizes the whole affair:

Frank Schoner Wow. Coalition to Stop Gun Violence just got owned.

Well put.

Time Warp Again: Murphy Brown and Sarajevo Snipers.

From Talk.Politics.Guns, November 21, 1994.

A friend (we’re both Bosnian) showed me a videotape of an episode from “Murphy Brown” from about a month or so ago.

In the episode, a friend of “Murphy” was a war correspondent in Sarajevo, where he was shot in the arm by “a Serb sniper.”

Back in US, he meets another of “Murphy’s” coworkers, who was shot in the arm with a stray .45 during a gang shootout.

The war correspondent was impressed, because he had only been hit with “a .22”

In fact, the correspondent informs viewers, “In Sarajevo, you’re more likely to be hit with a .22 …”

(How many people (besides MB’s regular viewers) believe that
Serb “snipers” use .22 in Sarajevo?!?!)

Lesson for you:
Get rid of handguns, they will make your neighborhood more dangerous than Bosnia.

Lesson for me:
The incendiary/phosphor anti-aircraft rounds that were blowing apart my friends and relatives in Sarajevo were really just rimfire cartridges.
I stand corrected  :-(((
And when the UN recently fabricated a story to int’l media and then blew up a string of Bosnian bunkers in Sarajevo, they too used .22

Genocidal butchers, all.


On a past post, we saw that Handgun Control Inc had meetings with Hollywood artists, directors, producers and writers in order to push Gun Control thorough the movies and TV.  The amount of disinformation generated by them has been colossal and the only reason it does not have the same punch it has today is because there are other outlets where their message is challenged with facts.

Still, institutional inertia is a difficult monster to stop (or to get started, pick your Newton’s.) A couple of weeks ago, NCIS: New Orleans showed a scene in which the medical examiner complained that she’d cut her finger while extracting a Black Talon bullet from a body. She also made the comment that doctors have been trying to have the bullets banned for 10 years.


Now the funny thing is that Winchester stopped production of the Black Talon in 2000. That is enough to confirm that TV writers know pretty much crap about ammunition and puts serious doubts about their capabilities to do a basic Google search.

But the most probably answer is that they are still following a protocol of narratives introduced back a couple of decades ago and being the smug idiots they are, the thought that things change in the Gun Culture (as well as in life) is foreign to them.