CSGV Intern will be fired for ingesting fortified eggnog.
Where do I even begin? Is CSGV insinuating that the NRA is fomenting a race war? That would mean that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are getting paid by the NRA. That would be a fantastic leap of mental stupidity…but probably not that hard for CSGV.
People with bodyguards are bad and in cahoots with the NRA….OK so that makes both Michael Bloomberg and Shannon Watts bad people supporting the NRA? See? This is what I mean about oversampling fortified eggnog.
Ad when the Intern says “The rest of us” I take it he/she means unarmed people and specifically unarmed gun control fans. Are they suddenly seeing the light and figuring maybe they should start packing some heat themselves? But that would contradict everything they stand for!
Oh well, there are always other Interns in the pipeline.