Month: February 2015

Warning to Bad Guys: You are doing it right.

Conoy Township has a message for criminals who might be thinking about preying on its residents: This is not a gun-free zone.
And that’s exactly what visitors will see once all the signs are securely in place along every road leading into the township.
Four of the signs have been posted. Twelve more are scheduled to go up over the next few weeks.

via New Conoy Township signs read: This is not a gun free zone – LancasterOnline: Local News.

Still, there will be idiots who will ignore the warning, but that is subject for another day.

And you don’t have to imagine the butthurt:

The women, who were dining Thursday afternoon at Little Italy Italian Restaurant in Bainbridge, said the signs are not a good idea.

“I think it gives the area a feeling that I’m not sure the people want to convey,” said Garber of West Donegal Township, who often hikes the Northwest Lancaster County Trail through the township. “Knowing guns are around doesn’t make me feel any safer.”

But if it saves one life, isn’t it worth it? Let’s compromise!

Treason: I don’t think that word means what you think it means.

OK people, I am seriously tired of jackasses on both sides of the Gun Side throwing around the word treason (and immediate request for execution) like it was beads at Mardi Gras in the French Quarter.

This is what the Constitution say about Treason. You will find it in Article Three:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

So, it is quite a different take from having to deal with politicians doing what we know to be constitutional. But if they don’t behave, we apply that pesky part of the Constitution that says something about  “petition the government for a redress of grievances.” And if that fails, we vote bums out.

But just because you have the urge to buttress your macho after 10 hours of playing Minecraft and start spouting that any deviation of the Constitution is enough grounds for execution, you better let the hangman know your neck size as you are doing the same stupid thing.


Agent Kory Watkins is up to his crap again.

I have to say that maybe the Conspiracy Clique was not off the reservation about the shenanigans of Open Carry Tarado Tarrant Kory Watkins.  Nobody in the Gun Rights community is so stupid as to threaten legislators with death unless they are getting paid by the Opposition.

Yes he did that. Here is the short version of the original long-winded video:

Agent Kory Watkins has to be a plant, a mole, the Texas single body version of the American Hunters and Shooters Association who were also faux Pro Second Amendment but 100% Liberal Democrat PR company out of D.C. Not even Hanlon’s razor explains this will to damage any effort for Gun Rights in Texas. About the only other option is that we are in the presence of the Gun Rights version of the Westboro Baptist Church writ batshit insane. (I forgot who came up with the simile, but it is right on the money so I stole it )

The only piece of good news is that he is staying in Texas and not screwing up anybody else’s efforts in other states. You people in Texas makes sure you keep him corralled.

PS: Doe he need Visine or is it just me?