Month: February 2015

Why we Carry. Why We Own & Why We Fight for the Second Amendment. (Graphic Content)

Alleged video of the Jordanian Pilot burned alive. I do not know how long it will last uploaded and you may need to be in Facebook to watch it.

It does not look staged and ISIS is known for its sharp video production skills Not letting the video show here so click on the link. Bypass and start at minute 16.

Dear God in heaven that is so fucked up.

This is why we can’t have nice things: St Pete man builds gun range in yard.

The Lakewood Estates neighborhood is filled with families and children. On any given day, you’ll see kids climbing trees and playing on swing sets.

That’s why news of a residential gun range did not sit well with neighbors.

“I don’t know if this idiot is going to start popping off rounds,” said Patrick Leary. “I’m furious.”

via St Pete man builds gun range in yard, neighbors outraged – WFLA News Channel 8.

A range? That doesn’t even qualify as a backstop for airsoft.

This is the satellite view of the area where 21-year-old infant Joseph Carannate lives. Typical Florida subdivision of houses packed close to each other.

Lakewood states St pete range


Now Junior Ninja there figures that just because the law does not forbid it, somehow and by the power of magic rainbow beans, he shall be spared of any range safety concerns as he will never have a missed shot or a negligent discharge.

Scientists have discovered a new micro-organism and it has been named Korynum Watkinis. The K. Watkinis is a duncebacillus that affects certain gun owners and the symptoms are elevated levels of douchbaggery and assholery.  Mr. Carannate appears to be suffering from this malady and unfortunately short of beating some common sense into the host with a 2×4, there is little in the way of inoculation or medication that can help cure the disease.

Is there a Useful Gun Idiots for Shannon Watts fan club that I haven’t heard about?

Jurassic Leather courtesy of Dragonworks

Jurassic World… yes the latest on the saga of Jurassic Park but I think this one may rock. Why? Two words: Trained Velociraptors!

But that is not the purpose of this post but to announce that Dragon Leatherworks has found its way into the movie Go Dennis and Rebecca!

Hey folks!

Check out the screen shots for the upcoming Jurassic World! We designed and built that knife sheath that Chris Pratt wears right here in Oak Ridge.

Jurassic Leather 1 Jurassic Leather 2 Jurassic Leather 3


Also….hanging on Chris Pratts belt just behind the right hip in the third photo….they asked for a unique multi-tool holder, and we designed that as well!!

Anyone a fan of the Jurassic Park movies?

Have a knife that needs a sheath?

Want an exact replica of the sheath, made by the same person that designed/built the one in the upcoming feature film?

Drop us an e-mail for pricing, and how to get your very own copy of the sheath!

Go check them out by clicking on the ad at your left… the other left.

It is all about control

MONTPELIER, Vt.—Speaking at a large pro-gun rally at the Vermont statehouse this week, state Sen. John Campbell told law-abiding Vermonters they would need to undergo criminal background checks before buying guns.

“The major issue in this bill people are concerned with is expanding the background checks to all sales,” Campbell said. “There are people—probably 99.9 percent of the people here—who think the federal background checks are all you need, you don’t need to have it between personal sales.”

via How Gun Owners Reacted to a Lawmaker’s Gun Control Pitch.

There must be an incredible violence spree in Vermont to be asking for UBCs, right?

Gun advocates estimate that more than 70 percent of Vermonters own firearms. And while the state arguably has the most liberal gun freedom of any state, FBI statistics indicate Vermont is the safest state in the nation, averaging 115 violent crimes per every 100,000 residents. About two gun-related killings occur in the Green Mountain State each year. Zero hunting accidents were reported in 2014.

As you can imagine, people did not react too well:

Erik Bailey, a resident of Jericho, declared that lawmakers who support Campbell’s gun-control bill would be serving their last term in the Legislature. The comment received cheers and thunderous applause.

“I’m giving them fair warning to polish their resumes because they’re going to need new jobs,” he said.

And at least one government branch might have seen the light:

I know many of you came today to talk with lawmakers about proposals to put additional restrictions on gun ownership in Vermont. … While I am and will remain willing to discuss any proposals on this or any other matters with lawmakers, I believe the gun laws Vermont has in place now serve us well and I do not think we need additional laws. (Letter from Gov.  Peter Shumlin)

That any politician in Vermont would be so disconnected as to try to impose Gun Control laws in such a safe place tells you a lot about where the allegiance of such animals actually lay and it is not with The People.

Moms Demand: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Shannon Watts tweeted this yesterday and I forgot about it till just now.

Shannon Watts Arrest Record original

Now, apparently being arrested equals being a bonafide violent felon for Shannon, so I could not help myself and tweaked a bit with the screen capture:

Shannon Watts Arrest Record



Shannon Watts Arrest Record 2

and closed with:

Shannon Watts Arrest Record 3


Can I get hired as Social Media Specialist somewhere? I know I can do a better job that the Bloomberg-backed expert here.

Moms Demand: Hitching your BMW to the wrong horse.

The Nationwide Superbowl commercial managed to piss a lot of people off.  It is a good, poignant and creative ad, but the Superbowl might have not been the proper event to have it aired. We can discuss consequences in a bit.

But what was not unexpected (at least for me) was the reaction of the Gun Control cavalcade and specially Shannon Watts:

Moms Demand Nationwide 1


I love the misuse of cancer statement. Their own report says that about 100 kids, zero to fourteen die of accidental shootings (their estimations, not the lower official CDC numbers which is lower), while the American Cancer Society estimates 1,350 cancer deaths for the same age group. And let’s take into account we are comparing dissimilar causes of death

Mother Jones magazine happened to tweet about the ad, but failed to mention guns so they incurred in Shannon’s ire:

Moms Demand Nationwide 2

Now, there is no doubt that the ad generated a lot of talk and conventional wisdom says that it is a good thing, specially in this age of Youtube where replays of the ad will be done for free without the company having to buy more air time than needed. But there is such thing as negative attention or basically people in big numbers disliking the company because of the commercial; one thing in becoming famous and another is becoming notorious. Everybody knows both Mother Theresa and Charles Manson, but they are not necessarily transmitting the same message.

There is a palpable need to be first in this era of instant message delivery. But for somebody who worked so many years in PR, mistakes like this one are inexcusable.

But fanaticism will make you do stupid stuff and I don’t mind that.