Month: February 2015

Paintballers kill Zombie.

HAUSER, Idaho – A bus carrying paintball players struck and killed a Washington state man inside a zombie attraction at a corn maze in northern Idaho, authorities said Saturday.

via Washington man killed by bus inside a zombie attraction at Idaho corn maze |

The man was dressed as a zombie and attacked the bus with extreme fail. No points awarded to the paintballers.

The again, it sounds like a MCB media control job and that could only mean:

Hat Tip to Weer


This is why we have the .44 Magnum. Because… – Forgotten Weapons

This is why we have the .44 Magnum. Because Elmer Keith kaboomed this SAA cylinder in 1924 or 25 hot-rodding .45 Colt with .458 heavy bullets.

via This is why we have the .44 Magnum. Because… – Forgotten Weapons.

This is a bonafide historical relic. “Dude! Elmer Keith played with this!”

It does not get any cooler.

New York Times freaks about Concealed Carriers, forgets math and common sense.

In America’s endless debate about gun rights versus public safety, there should be no disputing the hard facts in a new report on gunshot fatalities showing that at least 722 nonself-defense deaths since 2007 were attributable to individuals with legal permits to carry concealed weapons. Concealed carry by citizens has been a soaring phenomenon as states liberalize laws in the name of lowering crime that allow more permits and easier gun access in public places, even schools, churches and restaurant

via Concealed Carry’s Body Count –

The Violence Policy Center once again has updated its terminally flawed and misleading Concealed Carry Killers report. The title itself gives you the idea of gunmen roaming the streets with a license and a gun just shooting people at random, hard-core felons with nothing to lose. Murderers all.

Let’s begin first with the numbers: 722 nonself-defense deaths. Have you ever heard that term? Why the new moniker? Because you see, VPC includes suicides in the 722 in order to pad the outrage. But let’s go to basics: 722 deaths in 7 years or an average of 103 deaths per year.  Now, if we use the number Antis bandy about “gun deaths” of 30,000 per year, we have that a whooping 0.34% of those deaths can be “directly linked” to people with a CWP.  That is 99.66% of all “gun deaths” have nothing to do with the 10 million people who have a license to carry a weapon. Let me put it this way, if a Concealed Weapons Permit was a vaccine, even the “hippiest” and “hipest” of the Anti-Vaccine movement would have no problem inoculating their kids under those odds. Jenny McCarthy would be on the steps of the Capitol waving a Gadsden Flag in one hand and a pink 9mm SIG in the other demanding every kid in America to have a CWP.

Right off the bat in this report, we are confronted with the word Pending. This means that no determination has been made about this particular individual in a court of law other than he was arrested for killing somebody. Whether or was criminal activity or legitimate self-defense does not matter to VPC: He had a CWP therefore he is guilty and goes on the list. There are 50 individuals listed under Pending and in all probability some will be found guilty of murder/manslaughter, but it would be nice for VPC not to pass sentence a priori.

Next is Suicide. This category covers mostly those Murder/Suicide events or confrontation where people choose to kill themselves. As stated above, Gun Control loves to add the suicide numbers to the overall “gun deaths” to inflate the count, so I was willing to give VPC half a break with Murder/Suicides until we arrive to this:

VPC CC KILLERS MICHIGAN I went “Holy Chit! Was this a mass event that I missed?” Nope, I stopped and read with care only to realize that VPC is counting plain suicides as regular killings in deviation of what they were doing earlier. Since this event is in page 113, I am guessing they were counting on people not paying attention. They pull the same stunt on pages 117 (with 56 more suicides), 121 (29 suicides), 125 (43 suicides), 138 (28 suicides), 136 (29 suicides) again in Michigan. So in Michigan alone, VPC pads the concealed carry killers (cue ominous music)  with 213 deaths that are actually suicides. If we remove theses death from the total tally, we are looking at 509 deaths by (cue ominous music) concealed carry killers! 

Next I counted Convicted and got 172 incidents. This would be the only hard number: People with CWP who misused their guns and were tried and found guilty. A far call from the original 722 (cue ominous music) concealed carry killers!

I kept checking for other categories and found that (cue ominous music) concealed carry killers! included accidental shootings where somebody else died even if the owner of the gun was not manipulating the gun or even present at the time!  

This time around I did not have the energy to check for individual Pendings and how their trials ended up. It is not the first time that somebody branded by VPC as concealed carry killer was found not guilty because it was determined to be Self-Defense by a judge or a jury. And you can expect that VPC will not apologize for the unfair branding and they will just memory-hole the person from their records..

Listen, I am not gonna sit here, blow smoke rings up your ear canal and say that 100% of all those with a Concealed Weapons permits are saints incapable of doing wrong. But the numbers are what they are and it has been long proven (and even the massaged stats in VPCs “study” supports it) that we are a very safe conglomeration of individuals. It is also been proven that VPC still searches for relevance with a bullshit report and it some was given because the editors at the Nueva York Times Newspaper and Tamales (under new ownership) chose not to do their due diligence. Then again when you are losing money and have to fire people, fact checkers appear to be the first ones to go to the unemployment line.

So Can People Purchase From FFLs Out of State Now? Hold your panties.

Despite today’s ruling, I’m fairly certain that most Federal Firearm Licensees are not going to sell to out of state buyers until they have guidance from ATF telling them it’s OK to do so. I don’t know whether or not that guidance will be forthcoming, and the government is almost certain to appeal the ruling and ask the Court of Appeals to stay the judges injunction until the appeals court rules. So celebrate, because we did win a victory, but don’t run off to a neighboring state to buy a handgun just yet

via So Can People Purchase From FFLs Out of State Now? | Shall Not Be Questioned.

It is a GREAT decision, but it is not final yet. So far it only covers Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas plus you know it will be challenged and a temporary injunction requested and probably given.

Go read Sebastian’s post. Feet on the ground and no, you still cannot buy a full auto MAC-10 at the 7-11 so don’t even start complaining.

Again (and final) on the Yale study.

Apparently, feathers have been ruffled about my post on what gets you shot in Chicago and comments after. Allow me to expand; the study is a waste of time and money as I originally said and for many reasons:

  1. Even the simplest of low-information voters know that hanging around with a bad crowd will lead you into trouble. That admonition  has been told since time immemorial by mothers everywhere and proven over and over. Why is a study necessary is beyond me.
  2. This study will be ignored by most politicians. Not only because it may shine a good light of Gun Owners, but mostly because it is a demonstration of failed social policies in general. For Chicago that would mean that the Liberal would have to go Mea Culpa and discard decades of “social revolutions” and they rather see more bodies piling up in the morgue than admit failure. What needs to be done in Chicago? Way beyond my pay grade, but certainly what they are doing now is not working.
  3. Till when are we going to treat ourselves as second class citizens? Why do we need to go after every lame study to show the people “Looky here! We are good! This study says so! Love me please!” If anybody needs numbers, there are two places to send them: NICS Background checks and FBI UCR and point out the obvious: We have a shitload more guns now and the violent crime went down. The stupid argument that more guns equal more crime is void and null. Time to Man/Woman up.
  4. f you are expecting that the Media will pick the study up and go “Oh God we were wrong! It is not the NRA but Gangs and assorted criminals the reason for the murders” get a comfy chair and lots of patience. The Narrative needs to be maintained even when it is a glaring mistake, but it is their lifeblood. And if you think I am kidding, yesterday the New York Times had a nice butt kissing editorial on the Violence Policy Center’s Concealed Carry Killers report. This “study” is so flawed on itself, it makes anybody with a half a brain and a calculator go “WTF were they thinking?” It shall be fisked at a later time.

Now, you may disagree with me and that is fine. But to quote Patton (from the movie) “I don’t like to pay twice from the same real estate” and the Yale study and placing any hopes that it will help us, does that.

Road Rage Encounter: And that is how you do it. (Foul Language)

With the exception of the passenger having her window a bit down, this is the way you address an idiot having a ‘roid fit about whatever sin you may have committed against him on the road.

I assume the police was called as you can hear them arriving at the end of the video. Make a note that assuming the call was made right before the video, it took almost three minutes for the cops to show up … and that is great response time.

The driver remained calm, cool and collected. Did not let his Ego get in the way or answer the insults. Specially cool was ignoring the damage to the vehicle that although it is exasperating to see your property being damaged, it cannot be that much of damage and it can always be fixed out of Idiot’s pocket.

I don’t know if the driver was armed. I hope he was. By this time, worrying about having a gun is too late. In fact and assuming he was not blocked behind, if Junior Mongo were to breach the inside, the best defense would have been thrown the vehicle in reserve and leave to a more secure location while on the phone with 911 explaining why you need to move. In fact, I think a good strategy would be to call 911 from the get go and keep them on the line till officers arrived as the 911 calls are recorded and they are the first official record (and therefore evidence) of an event. I don’t wanna break your cupcake & ponies view of the world, but bad people lie and unless you have proof otherwise, it will be your word against them.

So, don’t get out of the car, don’t take the bait, remain calm, wait for the police to arrive or Idiot to leave, expect a possible escalation in aggression and act accordingly. In this particular case, there was no escalation so no other actions were needed. Maybe if it happens to you, you may need to run away or even draw your firearm: Every encounter will be different, so try to prepare for as many variations as you can think and assume you will face one you did not think about.


Update: The driver speaks. Thanks to Shawn for the additional Info.