Month: March 2015

Pocket Carry Done Wrong and Deadly

A man found shot to death this afternoon in St. Petersburg was the victim of an apparent accident, police said.

Troy Earl Smith Jr., 25, 985 Melrose Ave. S., was found at 1:13 p.m. lying on the ground in the area of 18th Avenue South just east of 16th Street, according to a release from the St. Petersburg Police.

He had a gunshot wound to his upper body and was taken to Bayfront Medical Center where he was pronounced dead, police said.

From information from a witness and video obtained from local businesses, police determined that Smith was riding his bike on 18th Avenue South near 14th Street when a handgun he was carrying in his jacket pocket discharged, wounding him in the chest.

A gun was found on Smith and had discharged through his clothing, police said.

via Man found dead apparently shot self accidentally, St. Pete police say.

If you must do Pocket Carry, get a holster designed for such labor and make sure there is nothing else in the damned pocket that can engage the trigger.

I have heard of people being injured by pocket carry, but this is the first death I am aware of.

Hat Tip to Derek W.

Amazing the crap Gun Control People used to get away with.

You, me, any normal citizen would think that if you were going to Congress and give a statement that is less than truthful (or plain lie) there would have to be some repercussions. Today and thanks to C-Span, the internet and political junkies fact-checking what is being said, it is less of a problem.

But what about 30 or 40 years ago? Here is an example in the form of the statement of Rep. Mario Biaggi (NY) in front of the 1985 Committee of the Judiciary that led to the Law Enforcement Officers Protection Act:

Biaggi Cop Killer Teflon bullet

By now we The Public know that the whole thing was made up. That the Teflon had nothing to do with the penetration into soft body armor and as far as I know, not a single LEO wearing body armor was shot with Teflon Bullets much less killed.  But what called my attention was the bit about the Drug Lord arming his minions with Teflon ammunition, where did he get it? And I say this because there was only one company manufacturing this very expensive and not available for the public ammunition.

After a lot of political wrangling behind the scenes, a compromise was achieved. The original bill which demanded that any type of ammunition capable of defeating soft body armor was supposed to be banned. This was perhaps the boldest move since NFA 34 eliminate firearms from our culture (NFA 34 was originally intended to ban all handguns from civilian possession) as it would practically eliminate almost all rifle ammunition. But thanks to a lot of behind-the-curtains lobbying, it got watered down to the version we have today in the books which mimics the military standards for armor-piercing of materiel.

The controversy resurfaced for a bit with the Black Talon bullets which were identified also as Teflon-coated (it was a proprietary oxide coating called Lubalox) and basically the redneck’s version of a tactical nuke. Winchester was smart enough not to fight it, let the issue die and come back later. No legislation was passed forbidding this method or either moly-coating even though it was also compared to Teflon.  Nosler offers bullets for reloading coated in Lubalox.

But without lying, the Gun Control agenda cannot advance. I gotta find the congressional record about the Glock pistols “invisibility” to airport X-Rays. that was another fun one.

And speaking of Moms Demand…

They have been awfully quiet. I know things have not gone well for Shannon’s Astroturf and Landscaping Services, but still…

I am reminded of this bit of dialog from The Unit:

Bob Brown: What do you do when you see Indians?
Jonas Blane: Be careful.
Bob Brown: What do you do when you don’t see Indians?
Jonas Blane: Be twice as careful. I hear you.

Keep your guard up. I am sure they will be back.

I am gonna go on a constitutional limb here…

Moms Demand are gushing over this quote from the President:

Moms Demand responsible background check

So the President, Bloomberg and Shannon Watts demand that anybody that wants to buy a gun has to go on his own and submit to a background check to see if they are felons. Now, I am guessing that if the Universal Background Checks law is passed, failure to get the UBC will probably be penalized, right?

But then I remember that there is a Supreme Court case that may ran smack against this: Haynes v. United States. Mr Haynes was a felon who was charged with failing to register a firearm. SCOTUS in a 7-1 decision ruled in favor of Mr Haynes because it required of “him to make an open admission to the government that he was in violation of the law, which was thus a violation of his right not to incriminate himself.

Since I am not a Constitutional scholar like our President, I am gonna just throw this out there and have better minds go through it, but I would not be surprised that it ends up that a Law Abiding Citizen once more has less legal protections than a Felon.

Then again, that would be the point for the Gun Control crowd, wouldn’t be?


Let me see if I can make it clear: We Will Lie.

We Gun Owners are a private bunch. We were forced to be thanks to Gun Controllers in the late 80s and 90s who wanted our bank accounts and lives through threats of extra taxation, penalties and raids by jackbooted thugs.

So, even if we were completely out of or minds on post-operative pain killers and somehow we let some hired scribe come into our homes to do a survey, the last thing we will tell you is if we even own a slingshot.

And if you really need to know, I lost all my firearms in a tragic trans-oceanic trip to Antarctica. The gun safe was accidentally knocked off the ship somewhere in the vicinity of Galapagos Island. I am suing the Maori ship-owner in International court.

There, you can now check-mark that box in your form.