Month: March 2015

So tell me again who are the racists? Oh yes, Gun Owners and Cops.

I wish I could say I made this up as a joke, but can’t. A Black man and Hispanic Man with Open Carry Rifles at a Kroger’s in Virginia.

CSGV Virginia Kroger Racism

And the usual collage of comments, pay attention to the last one as he let his true colors slip.

CSGV Virginia Kroger Racism2

They are all for equality as long as you do not stray from their politically approved primrose patch. But the second you deviate, they demand the good old days of segregation because we cannot allow “Them People” to mix with the good folks.

And you have to love how well they think of that other armed group: Cops. But of course they are a bunch of Neanderthals that will shoot people of color just because they are exercising a Constitutional Right. The sad part is that these herd of idiots that call themselves Gun Safety Advocates, deeply wish they were gunned down.

Why are Gun Control People so Violent? And racist?

CSGV: Experts on Child Porn & Snuff Porn.

CSGV Ammo Angel

I don’t expect your average Gun Control fanatic to be knowledgeable about guns and much less about ammo. So when I was checking this thread, I expected (and found) the chorus of “OMGSHEISGONNAGETSHOT!!!1!”  What I was not prepared to read was the final descent into the pool of moral feces that these people managed to take to Olympic Sport level.  Go on and read, have anti-acids at the ready.

CSGV Ammo Angel2

There were plenty more comments, but I just could not stomach such mental filth in one take. I would be afraid to check these people’s browsing history.  They seem to be knowledgeable of child porn and snuff porn on a level that is….well, scary.

I have this immense need to take a dive in a pool full of Lysol.

Play Stupid games with Stupid People: Man charged after mishandling gun, fatally shooting 19-year-old.

A man was arrested Sunday in the shooting death of a 19-year-old man in Hialeah.

Hialeah Police charged Josue Sanchez, 20, with manslaughter after he mishandled his gun and shot Lazaro Martinez in the hip at a parking lot at 3051 W. 76th St. Friday night.

Police said Sanchez, Martinez and a third person were smoking marijuana in Sanchez’s car when Sanchez let Martinez look at his gun.

Sanchez told police he removed the magazine and the round in the chamber from the Jimenez Arms 9 mm and then placed the magazine back before handing over the gun.

Martinez and the other person then took photos while posing with the firearm.

When he took the gun back, Sanchez pulled the trigger, shooting Martinez in the hip. He told police he did not know the gun had a round in the chamber.

via Man charged after mishandling gun, fatally shooting 19-year-old in Hialeah | Miami Herald Miami Herald.

Can you add any more Gun Safety violations to this event? The victim died even though they took him to a hospital not far from the location.

Mixing guns with pot (or any intoxicant) and stupid will never yield good results.

“Because he will take the gun from her and kill her” still not happening

Suspect is licensed CPL holder; Victim in critical condition

Detroit police said a man is in critical condition after being shot early Monday morning by a woman outside her home.

Leon Jones told Local 4 his wife did what she needed to do to protect herself when a strange man approached her at 4 a.m. in their driveway in the 11700 block of Minden Street.

“All I heard was a gunshot, and she was screaming out here. The first priority was check the kids,” James said.

via Detroit police: Woman shoots man outside home | News – Home.

Still ticks me off that the woman is classified as a suspect and the criminal as a victim, not much I can do about that. But somebody in her household is gonna be deserving of some serious and well deserved loving.

Police said the woman has a valid gun license. Jones said he was the one who pushed his wife to get one.

“I made her get it. She didn’t want to get it. I kept telling her, ‘I’m not here with you all the time,'” he said.

Mr. Jones, just don’t say “I told you so.” They don’t take it kindly 😀

Internet Gun Advice: Get several opinions and then check the law.

Somebody in reddit asks about how to air travel with guns. 95% of the responses were right, lawful and insightful, but almost right at the top, we find this:

bad internet gun advice

The “experts” were either morons or morons.

With so many places you can check for info, taking the word of anybody in a public forum on good faith is basically asking to have your colon examined by an inmate in jail or prison.