Month: April 2015

And sometimes you do know your attacker and it is not easy.

A 45-year-old man was shot multiple times Monday in Sun City Hilton Head by his mother who was defending his grandmother, according to a Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office news release.

William Bryant was behaving aggressively and attempting to enter the bedroom of his 91-year-old grandmother when his mother, Marilou Bryant, shot him around 7:20 a.m., the release said. She is not being charged in connection with the incident.

via Sun City woman shoots son in self-defense, Sheriff’s Office says | Crime & Public Safety | The Island Packet.

Possibly the hardest thing anybody can be forced to make. I cannot even imagine the pain of that lady before, during and most certainly after.

Between a rock and a hard place sounds rather cushy just about now. May she find peace with what she was forced to do.


Moms Demand: Fact Checking is for wussies.

Moms Demand NRAAM 2015

Last year in Indiana, they tried the same thing, only to face the embarrassment of failure for not checking  with a tad of care…or basically do a Google search.

From the NRAAM site, front page at the bottom:

During the 2015 NRA Annual Meeting & Exhibits, lawfully carried firearms will be permitted in the Music City Center with the proper license in accordance with Tennessee law. Bridgestone Arena prohibits the possession of firearms. When carrying your firearm, remember to follow all federal, state and local laws.

Now, what Shannon und Company are quoting, I think are the regulations for Gun Shows, probably by the State of Tennessee. I won’t even bother looking because I know they are done the same way in Florida and other places too and have been for decades now.  And I find particularly hypocrite of them that they are coming down of gun safety…..wait, they are not being hypocrite as they have never been for gun safety in the first place.

Never mind…. carry on.