Month: April 2015

This is why… (Graphic content)

Garissa University College in Kenya. Bodies courtesy of al-Shabab.

Kenya University 2


Kenya University 1

  • Because there is this kind of Evil walking around on this earth.
  • Because there are Useful Idiots defending this Evil.
  • Because there are politicians that swear this will never happen here.
  • Because it may happen.
  • Because the same politicians that swear won’t happen, promise they will keep you safe.
  • Because there are not enough cops to keep you safe.

Just babbling….

First, I hope everybody had a great Easter with the family. After almost 2 decades of continuing living in the US, I can’t relate to the Bunny that lays eggs with candy.  Or pumpkin pie for that matter.

I am gonna out myself and officially declare myself a writer. I have been musing and perusing a couple of books in my head and this weekend I sat down to finally put one down in “paper.” After reading and reviewing books by J.D. Kinman, Jim Curtis and R.P. Ruggiero, I found myself saying over and over “You know, you can do this. They threw caution to the wind and did it. So can you.” So expect (eventually) an action book from yours truly, as the first 3300+ words are already down. Feel free to harass me about it, it will keep me writing. And I haven’t forgotten about the book on Avoidance, Deterrence and De-escalation, the material is there, but trying to make it palatable turned out not to be easy and I know some cows will be slaughtered.

I also spent the weekend (when not writing or grilling) keeping an eye on the Hugo Awards debacle. If you are a SciFi book fan, you already know that the establishment was challenged and defeated by the “Right Wing” barbarians that have been pounding at the gate for three years. The Social Justice Warriors cadre are absolutely out of their frigging minds, going some as far as to demand the cancellation of the award rather than accept that authors that do not embrace the ultra-left wing dictum may have a chance at winning the award.

2015 is going to be a challenging year. So far the sumbitch has been less than nice, but eff him back.

And yes, I am planning on still keeping you guys informed of the shenanigans of the Opposition…which reminds me: anybody going to the NRAAM, finds out where Moms are going to meet (More likely Centennial Park, 2 miles west of the convention center) and plans to pay them a visit, please take pics and send them over for publication, specially if the bodyguards are present.

OK, back to our original programming.

Shooting near UCF shows Florida Colleges are perfectly safe.

ORLANDO, Fla. —Students at the University of Central Florida say they’re becoming more concerned for their safety after a recent shooting and a home invasion months ago.

On Thursday, there was a double shooting at the Marquee Apartments just off Alafaya Trail.

Deputies said two men, aged 21 and 22, were taken to Orlando Regional Medical Center as trauma alerts. One man was shot in the stomach, and the other was shot in the back while sitting outside of their apartment, investigators said….

Although the men shot were not UCF students, their neighbors are, and they were caught off guard by the gunfire.

“We were just drinking a beer, hanging out on the balcony, just a normal night, then all of a sudden ‘pop, pop, pop,’ probably five, six, seven shots go off,” neighbor and UCF student Eric Prichard said.

Records show there was a home invasion at the apartment complex in December and two cases of armed robbery in November and October 2014.

“I’m like, really another one?” UCF student Rayna Nauditt said.

Within a half mile radius over the last two weeks, law enforcement has investigated an attempted sexual assault near campus and a man exposing himself on campus.

The seeming uptick in crime is unsettling for students who are getting more and more of the university’s safety alerts.

“Honestly, there’s probably one every 10 to 15 days,” UCF student Brandon Conte said

via UCF students concerned for safety after shooting, home invasion near campus | Local News – WESH Home.

But according to FSU President John Trasher, the shooting itself only demonstrates that UCF is a safe campus, right? Them silly students should not have to worry at all.

Campus Carry, now that is the real danger right there.

Lord of The Nordic Flies (Beverage Alert)

We made it to right about where the main entrance of the school was, and the doors opened; school was out. There were only a few kids, probably 6 or 7 years old. Lots of talking and laughing. Gawking at us as we walked by, with our guns and huge ridiculous snow suits. One precocious little bugger made shooting noises at us. We made shooting noises back.
And then someone in my group. I don’t know who. God help me I don’t know who…
Someone threw a snowball and hit a little girl in the leg.
And those little Norwegian children unleashed hell.

via 1nf1del comments on 6th grade girl bullies get destroyed..

Just click on the frigging link. The Marines made the mistake of forgetting about the viking blood running through their veins and paid dearly for it 🙂

It is Monday, I figured we all need a good laugh.

Damn it, the scheduler fritzed on me…. OK, just enjoy.

Hat Tip to PMH

The more things change…..

LAST WINTER I spent a morning in a legislative committee room. A hearing was in progress on a bill to prohibit the sale of pistols . The man who spoke in behalf of the measure had once owned a pistol . He kept it in a trunk. One day the trunk was broken open and the pistol stolen. This incident had convinced him of the uselessness of owning a pistol unless one purposed to commit murder with it. A moment later, although probably not as a corollary of that thought, he advanced the idea that the possession of a pistol almost invariably did create murderous impulses in the heart of the possessor.

via Clayton Cramer.: Some bad ideas never go away.

Nothing you haven’t read before, right? Same old tired drivel. But how tired? Try October, 1910.

Yes. It never stops.