Month: April 2015

Temporary Protection Orders: They are never abused.

A total of 306 rifles and shotguns – some of which the woman alleged had been stolen – were removed from the home by Kolar and his deputies….

…In the end, none of the guns was stolen. A two-inch thick stack of papers detailing each gun’s make, model and serial number rested on the sheriff’s desk – information secured through the National Crime Information Center of the FBI.

The gun owner, who, at the request of authorities is not being named out of concern that his collection could become a target for thieves, is left with a $1,200 bill, the cost incurred by the sheriff’s office for the confiscation.

The drama unfolded a few weeks ago when the estranged girlfriend contacted authorities about the guns. She was seeking a protection from abuse order because she feared for her safety.

Following standard procedure, a temporary PFA was approved by a judge, and based on the information provided by the woman, a court order was placed for the sheriff to confiscate all weapons and ammunition belonging to the man.

A few days later, at a hearing in front of a judge, the woman and the man offered their sides of a stormy relationship. Afterward, the judge refused to impose a permanent PFA and ordered the temporary PFA to be vacated.

via Cambria County set to return 306 guns to resident – after he pays $1,200 bill – News – The Tribune-Democrat.

So the woman lies, the guy gets his valuable collection confiscated and now he has to pay to get his guns returned. And the “Gun Safety Advocates” wonder why in the hell we are so against that crap?

The least the police should do is to arrest the woman for filing a false report. She claimed some of the guns were stolen when they were not. But more likely than not, she’ll skate that too.


Losing the war over a slice of pizza.

I am going to deviate from my usual single subject and touch on the Indiana RFRA cataclysm. While there s no doubt that the State of Indiana is getting a black eye on this thing, I see in the long-term that the loser is going to be the Gay community by large as they are starting to be perceived as bullies and hypocrites because of the actions of a militant few.

I don’t know who and why started this Indiana thing: 19 states have already Religion Freedom Restoration Act laws and at least 10 others have established court decisions that work the same. And that is not including that RFRA is Federal law, created by Democrats and signed by Clinton, so I suspect that a wee bit of staged hysteria and condemnation might be in play here for whatever political reason.

But two things are coming out as strong indicators that this was the wrong fight to pick and it is gonna blow back in their faces: First is the issue with the pizza parlor that said it wouldn’t cater to gay weddings. The backlash they suffered was brutal and downright abusive, including hacking of their website and posting pictures that belong in the best and worst of porn sites. What the Militant Gay Patrol and the Media at large was not expecting was a GoFundMe initiative in support of Memories Pizza that in about 24 hours has raised almost a half a million dollars. Clearly there is a lot of people who feel Memories have been wronged and bullied and are now throwing their support behind them.

The second thing and that literally sent a chill down my spine was one word being used against the Bully Gay Brigade: Gaystapo. This is one brand that is effective, concise and brings an avalanche of emotions that no amount of Big Media support is going to clean easily. Whoever came up with the term is a marketing genius. This is a massive pair black eyes and assorted black and blues all over the body the Gay Community and getting them because of a few abusive idiots.

Not long ago, it was hip to tell the Gun Culture to take example from the Gay Activists. By far and large they had a great record in eliminating the deep-seated bias against them. Some of the tactics were used, some were not and I have to say I think we are doing fine. But one tactic the Gun Community has that the Gay community has to embrace is our nonchalant attitude towards business that do not cater to gunnies: We simply do not give our money to them. No histrionics, no massive Twitter campaigns, no hacking, no arson threats, we just laugh, tell our buddies and go spend our hard-earned cash somewhere else where we are accepted as US Citizens. This attitude has been proven to be highly effective as wounded pockets make stupid people reconsider their positions.

And one more thing: Just because a splinter group claims to be on the same side as yours, does not make them immune to criticism and repulse. I am willing to bet that the great majority in the Gay community is a sick of this hysteria as everybody else, but do not feel it is appropriate to come against the Gaystapo for political reasons or be accused as traitor: bullshit, come at them with all you have. Your assholes in the Gaystapo are no different from our assholes from OCT Tarrant and the rest of the morons doing the Open Carry of rifles, making threats and acting like bullies because they could. We shunned their asses, told them to stop screwing the cause and by far they have been slinking away and becoming irrelevant before any more permanent damage could be caused.

If the Gay movement does not heel the barking puppies and spank them with a rolled newspaper soon, I am afraid they will soil the whole carpet for everybody and the level of people’s tolerance will be greatly reduced. This is something none of us want and does nothing to advance our country.  And it will be a sad postscript to say that the War against Gay Intolerance was lost for the wanting of a slice of pizza.


They make laws because they are experts.

Feinstein Statement on Terrorism Arrests

Not a joke. This is an actual press release by Senator Dianne Feinstein. It seems she thinks she can have the books plucked out of the Internet like it was some public library in a small town. How insulated in her one little retrograde world does she have to be not to understand that once it gets uploaded, it stays there forever.

And these are the people making the laws that are supposed to make life better for everybody. We are so screwed.

And Gun Control heads are exploding everywhere

According to a survey by the Pew Research Center, 54 percent of blacks now see gun ownership as a good thing, something more likely to protect than harm. That’s up from 29 percent just two years ago. In places like Detroit, more African-Americans are getting permits to carry concealed weapons.

At a practice range just outside of Detroit, Rick Ector trains new gun owners. He says the new chief’s attitude is a welcome change.

via More African-Americans Support Carrying Legal Guns For Self-Defense : NPR.

It was bound to happen: People get tired of being victims and being lied to. Blacks are no different from the rest of the Ballistic Rainbow Coalition but probably were deceived the longest.

Expect a huge backlash from the Old School False Preachers, they cannot make money unless they rant about the pride of being victims and needing cash support the old tale.

Independent people do not like nor fund victimization.

How Miami Became New York South (not quite yet, but getting there)

“A word that has disappeared from our vocabulary here is ‘the season,’” explains star architect Bernardo Fort-Brescia of Arquitectonica (whose buildings have transformed Miami’s skyline, and the world’s perception of the city). “Because today, New Yorkers can come here and find the same kind of culture, food, and entertainment they left behind them.” When a New York billionaire boards his private jet for the two-and-a-half-hour flight to Miami (less time than it would take to get to the Hamptons in summer traffic, unless he’s choptering, of course), increasingly he’s heading to a place where he can find a lot that reminds him of Manhattan—even his favorite restaurant may now have a Miami branch.

via How Miami Became New York South.

One of the things I noticed when I moved to Miami almost two decades ago was this need by some to duplicate NYC. In fact, before hipster was hipster, there were these individuals that dressed, talked, acted and bemoaned that we were not more like New Yorkers. You will see them dressed all in black and/or charcoal wool, tweeting about the “fabulous” cisgender green vegan restaurant with portions the size and prize of an iWatch.

And then you have the transplants: New Yorkers who moved down here and for some reason think NY rules apply.  Hint: There is a difference between being loud (which we are) and being a loudmouth; one is volume and the other leads to bleeding. This kind does not usually last long as contrary to legend, New Yorkers ain’t that tough. It takes a couple of run-ins with machete-wielding neighbors to rethink moving to either Boca or back to NY. Hurricanes do a better job of sweeping them out back north as it literally scares them shitless and beg on their knees for the safety of Times Square. And speaking of that, we are due one or two hurricanes to do some major cleaning.

South Florida has one huge problem: The weather and the geography lends itself to invasive species and are hard to eliminate. Like Melaleuca trees or pythons, once they get settled, it becomes a constant battle to keep them in check. And according to Florida Statutes, it is illegal to eradicate Yankee Hipsters as they are classified human…barely.  And then there is the whole “Do not feed the gators” thing….

So, I understand why some folks from Miami have taken to relocate to other latitudes devoid of New Yorkers. I am still unclear why they keep moving to North Carolina other than the BBQ and I figure the North Calinkis may have similar complains about the “mayameros” but we like pork, guns and listen to Southern Rock in between bouts of Reggae and Salsa so they will be fine.

As for myself, I am gonna be even “hipstier” and move not to NC but someplace where the seasons come in four and I actually get to turn on the heat. Who am I kidding? If we move, it will be where the wife wants and I just drive the truck.