Month: April 2015

Moms Demand: one blatant lie worked fine once, let’s try another.

“A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.”
Winston S. Churchill.

Moms Demand Missouri fail

So what is this new horror?

NRA-endorsed HB 1220 would exclude these and other crimes from the definition of “violent felonies,” and make it legal for offenders to own a gun under the laws of the Show Me State:

Attempted Rape in the First Degree (when no injury results)
Attempted Forcible Rape in the First Degree (when no injury results)
Deviate Sexual Assault
Sexual Assault/ Rape in the Second Degree

via This is who the NRA thinks should have guns in Missouri. — Medium.

HB 1220 was signed into law and it will become effective on January of 2017. What does this evil bill say”

“Dangerous felony”, the felonies of arson in the first degree, assault in the first degree, attempted rape in the first degree if physical injury results, attempted forcible rape if physical injury results, attempted sodomy in the first degree if physical injury results, attempted forcible sodomy if physical injury results, rape in the first degree, forcible rape, sodomy in the first degree, forcible sodomy, assault in the second degree if the victim of such assault is a special victim as defined in subdivision (14) of section 565.002, kidnapping in the first degree, kidnapping, murder in the second degree, assault of a law enforcement officer in the first degree, domestic assault in the first degree, elder abuse in the first degree, robbery in the first degree, statutory rape in the first degree when the victim is a child less than twelve years of age at the time of the commission of the act giving rise to the offense, statutory sodomy in the first degree when the victim is a child less than twelve years of age at the time of the commission of the act giving rise to the offense, child molestation in the first or second degree, abuse of a child if the child dies as a result of injuries sustained from conduct chargeable under section 568.060, child kidnapping, parental kidnapping committed by detaining or concealing the whereabouts of the child for not less than one hundred twenty days under section 565.153, and an “intoxication-related traffic offense” or “intoxication-related boating offense” if the person is found to be a “habitual offender” or “habitual boating offender” as such terms are defined in section 577.001;
(Word Count, 272)

But wait, what does the actual law say? The one right now in the books:

“Dangerous felony” means the felonies of arson in the first degree, assault in the first degree, attempted rape in the first degree if physical injury results, attempted forcible rape if physical injury results, attempted sodomy in the first degree if physical injury results, attempted forcible sodomy if physical injury results, rape in the first degree, forcible rape, sodomy in the first degree, forcible sodomy, kidnapping, murder in the second degree, assault of a law enforcement officer in the first degree, domestic assault in the first degree, elder abuse in the first degree, robbery in the first degree, statutory rape in the first degree when the victim is a child less than twelve years of age at the time of the commission of the act giving rise to the offense, statutory sodomy in the first degree when the victim is a child less than twelve years of age at the time of the commission of the act giving rise to the offense, and, abuse of a child if the child dies as a result of injuries sustained from conduct chargeable under section 568.060, child kidnapping, and parental kidnapping committed by detaining or concealing the whereabouts of the child for not less than one hundred twenty days under section 565.153;
(Word count, 208)

So the old law still active has 208 words, the new one has 272. I wonder why? Now, it wouldn’t be because they added more violations to the list of Dangerous Felonies, would it?

Added new felonies (but somehow overlooked by Shannon Watts):

-assault in the second degree if the victim of such assault is a special victim as defined in subdivision (14) of section 565.002
-kidnapping in the first degree
-child molestation in the first or second degree
-an “intoxication-related traffic offense” or “intoxication-related boating offense” if the person is found to be a “habitual offender” or “habitual boating offender” as such terms are defined in section 577.001;

But it gets even funkier. I wanted to get a quote from the NRA-ILA in relation to HB 1220…and could not find anything. I went wider using Google, and I only got the original article and another like it. So, as far as I know, the NRA had no dealings with HB 1220. I might be wrong and looked in the wrong places, so if anybody finds something, please let me know….but it does not look good.

I cannot longer give Moms Demand the benefit of the doubt as in being stupid. This is a conscious effort to  lie without shame in order to grab headlines may it be because they think they can get away with it or maybe it is desperation. I don’t know and I really do not care.


The Hugo Awards, Social Justice Warriors and Sad Puppies.

If you are not into Sci/Fi-Fantasy books or followed the Sad Puppies Saga, the following is pretty much Chinese spoken by a drunken Magyar.  You can go ahead and ignore the rest. If you are somewhat interested and want my Reader’s Digest version, go on ahead.

First my credentials: I am not Treufan. My SciFi lot is filled with 2001(book and movie), original Star Trek, the new Star Trek movies and Babylon 5. That’s it. I tried to read Heinlein and bored me. Dresden Files are OK when I have nothing else to read and can get the paperbacks in Amazon for under a buck. I am a fan of Larry Correia’s books which apparently classify under ‘fantasy’ in this Hugo Award and therefore I am a Sad Puppy.

Now, the Social Justice Warriors clique (SJW) could have avoided this whole issue by simply addressing the concerns about why some deserving authors never got nominated, much less won the Hugos by simply saying “Holy shit, we really should look into this” and maybe take all of 10 minutes to see if such concern was right. Now, we know that indeed some decent writers were not considered for apparently purely political reasons: they personally did not fit the official groupthink of the SJW Clique and that was the base of its lack of selection, not the work itself. But even if you do not agree with the person, you are not supposed to judge the book by anything else but its content, period. But instead of maybe changing just a bit and grudgingly accept that “Yes, Mr X is an asshole in RealLife, but damn his book is good” the SJW clique went full stupid: On year one, they laughed at the accusations and dismissed the complainers as brutish, ignorant and jealous individuals. On year two when the Sad Puppies got somewhat organized and managed to squeeze one nomination, they proceeded to crap small bricks but refused to review their practices. On year three, Sad Puppies did the unforgivable: They swept the nominations.

Oh dear gods of the pantheon! You would have thought the Barbarians broke into the Vestal Temple and proceeded to rape the curtains and burn the Virgins. First came the accusations of ballot stuffing which went down in flames when it was pointed out that the rules for nominations were followed to a fault. Then it came the generalized accusations of “gaming the rules” to introduce a “Conservative, all-male heterosexual, redneck, icky” slate which died under quick examination of the slate as it was actually more varied in every concept than previous Hugo nominations. Then it came to be that the works were not true SciFi/Fantasy or did not conform to what SciFi should be, but somebody just pointed out that previously nominated works like If You Were A Dinosaur My Love and the whole cookie went down in crumbs.

But something was puzzling the SJW clique: After all the attacks, the Sad Puppies not only were not cowed, they had the balls of actually laugh at them! How dare they! So they went even stupider attacking individual authors. Larry Correia is an official White Anglo-Saxon Supremacist (I reckon that you will find the Portuguese last name in the Mayflower list), death threats were issued which is funny as hell when Larry is the size of a shoggoth, knocked down cows for fun a-lo-Mongo in his youth and is a firearms instructor with possibly more guns and ammo in his basement than many police forces in rural America…and some urban areas too. They also went after Sarah Hoyt with the same chant, but oops! She is a half Portuguese immigrant..and female.

But what takes the big prize was when the same White Anglo-Saxon Supremacist label was applied to Brad Torgerson, who happens to be married to a black lady for over 20 years and they have a child together. Now that should have killed the accusation right there, but one jackass under the name of Arthur Chu actually tweeted this:

Arthur Chu Brad Torgerson

“Shield” is a term the SJWs use to dismiss any racist defense a person may have from an accusation issued by the SJWs just because the accused actually may have friends that are minorities. But in this case Chu applied the term to a married couple and actually wants people to think that in preparation for Sad Puppies 3, Torgerson somehow decided to take a bride of a different race two decades ago. The shark was not only jumped, but rocket packs were used to achieve maximum apogee.

By then, everything went so crazy that even some famous names got in the frackas. George R.R. Martin (Game of Thrones) penned a long blog post criticizing (very politely) Sad Puppies, but wouldn’t you know that Larry Correia had the nerve to reply to him (also very politely.) Martin addressed Correia and the masses went wild with joy at their champion. Correia not only replied but fisked Martin to the amazement of the SJW faithfuls who could not believe somebody would dare to look at their god in the eyes and not turn into ash.

After one more post (I think, there was so much crap going around that I can’t keep track) from Martin declaring the death of the Hugos by the hand of the Sad Puppies (Funny shit that happens when you play by the rules they were playing and the outcome is not what the SJWs wanted) the SciFi world seemed to come apart. The initial grumbles of going No Award in all categories (basically saying, nothing is good, vacate this slot) which were dismissed initially are now chanson du guerre by a lot of SJWs. Basically, if we can’t win, nobody wins! And even some are demanding that the Hugos be cancelled this year and any year when non-SJW-approved works are in the slate. Sunshine, let me tell you: You proved the Sad Puppies point with neon lights and fireworks. You guys are indeed a very reclusive, extreme prejudiced group of morons who refuse other kids to play in the sandbox called Hugo Awards. You lost.

The Puppies won.

Deal with it.




Moms Demand wants to show Krogers how much they lose. (Libs can’t do math)

Moms Demand Krogers


That is an easy question to answer. They lose this much:

Not really an overwhelming crowd.
Not really an overwhelming crowd.


And they gain this many. This is the lobby of the Nashville Convention Center. Just the lobby..

Over 78,000 people, many carrying firearms both concealed or open. You did not hear of mass shootings or people going crazy taking potshots at exhibits.

Dear Shannon, you managed to bring 120 bused volunteers (after promising 400) and the NRA pulled over 78,000 individuals that traveled out of their pockets. The math is clear for anybody but people like you.

Last Stand of the 300: The Legendary Battle at Thermopylae.

Over the weekend I was finally able to catch up with the movie 300:Rise of an Empire. Not as good as the first one but navy battles are not easy to take to film.

I want to recommend one History Channel documentary that would cover both movies with the added benefit of relying more on history than fiction:  Last Stand of the 300: The Legendary Battle at Thermopylae. It is well done and informative even if it only lasts 90 minutes. You will learn not only what happened at the Gates of Fire, but the aftermath and the destruction of the Persian army and fleet. Basically Western Civilization was defined and saved there.

I think it is available in Netflix for those who commune with that. DVDs are quite cheap.

Vehicle as a weapon

There is an edited version of this video making the rounds showing only seconds before the impact and without the needed info. At 1:50 you get the dash cam from the ramming patrol car.

Police say the suspect, Mario Valencia, confronted them with a stolen gun and fired one shot in the 5600 block of West Coca Cola Place before being struck by the cruiser.

Valencia is accused of a series of crimes in Tucson and Marana on the morning of February 19, including stealing a rifle from the Wal-Mart in Marana.

Not an elegant solution, but I must say it was effective.

Now, Could you as a civilian, apply the same tactic? I am going with no as the subject was leaving and you wouldn’t be in imminent danger. You could make the case that there was a continued danger, but legally I would consider it risky.

What we cannot deny is that a car can be an effective weapon when needed.

Man shoots at armadillo, bullet hits mother-in-law.

Authorities say a woman was accidentally shot by her son-in-law while he was trying to shoot an armadillo.

The incident had a lot of people scratching their heads- even law enforcement.

“Just the circumstances, just all the way around, the whole situation was unusual,” said Investigator Bill Smith with the Lee county Sheriff’s Office.

The shooting happened Sunday night on Gosa Road.

Lee County Sheriff’s deputies said 54-year-old Larry McElroy was outside when he fired his 9 mm pistol at the armadillo. The bullet killed the animal, but also ricocheted off of it, hit a fence, went through the back door of his mother-in-law’s mobile home, through a recliner she was sitting in, and into her back.

via Man shoots at armadillo, bullet hits mother-in-law – | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports.

Bullets do weird things after impacting objects. And I have to admit, this one is one for the books and I would say impossible to predict: Hit the armadillo, hit the fence, travel 100 yards, go through a back door and hit Mom In Law.

And stop laughing… 😀

Hat Tip: Chuck B. (A.K.A Doppelganger)