Month: July 2015

Inside the mind of a Gun Grabber.

After spending hours debating with this woman (Liberal Hippie Queen ‏@andreajmarkley) , I can tell you it is a dark and scary place filled with myths, contradictions and a contempt for other who do not toe the line.

This tweet called my attention:

Lib Hip

Whatever conversation was in progress had already advanced past the initial post and I joined with a question. (Note: I will post select indicative parts as it was a long exchange, including some idiots chiming in)

Lib Hip 1

Get it? We need more laws, but they can be enforced only when it suits them even if they don’t work and if you point out the fault, you are worrying about stupid shit. I guess she missed the whole  Equal Protection class.

This one is a beauty:

lib Hip 2

Smarter people than us Gun Owners, of course meaning her and her kind. She doesn’t even register the bigotry of her statement or her support for an intellectual caste system where they control the Untermensch with their benedictions from above.

This one is a beauty and following up on her last comment:

Lib Hip 3

I admit my jaw not only dropped, but it started to dig an oil well. How deluded you have to be to say (write) that out loud? Wait, it gets better.

Lib Hip 4

She links to a Media Matters article that propagated the Shannon Watts lie that the last NRA Annual Meeting was a Gun Free Zone. You gotta give it to Top Mom Demands, that lie of hers still has legs.

We ended up with the latest article of faith of the Gun Grabbers: Universal Background Checks.

Lib Hip 5

And if you have been a reader of this blog for a time now, you know what’s coming next and her answer is….just read it:

Lib Hip 6

Now get a load of that way of thinking, these are fellow that want us dead or in prison just because we own guns. But a dangerous felon who breaks the law and is nice enough to provide the evidence for his prosecution on his own handwriting on an ATF 4473 form is not a cause for concern for this “better” of us. Do you think I am kidding? Read the following:

Lib Hip 7

And there you have it folks. You have a gun, even if you are law-abiding, even if you are in the military or Law Enforcement, you are worse than a felon.  This idiot actually believes that the criminal intent on getting a gun will somehow quit his life of crime because he did not pass a background check because he is a felon. But those of us who passed the background check when buying guns (and again when we got our carry permits) are the truly dangerous menaces to society and should be removed from it.

She firmly believes what she spouts. She might be in the fringe, but she is not alone and unfortunately sometimes that kind of mentality gets elected, twice.

Yes, ask me again when I am planning on relinquishing my weapons at the orders of  “Betters” like her.


There is more crap from her that I did not include. I may do another post later in the week with some of her “best of the rest” (and her fellow helpers) tweets.


Why are Anti Gunners so Violent? Chicago Tribune Edition.

And don’t forget: The bad guy got away.

Source: Guns on the bus: Still a bad idea – Chicago Tribune


A long editorial from the folks at the Chicago Tribune condemning the idea of allowing people with Concealed Permits to carry in public transportation. They cite the case of a grandmother in Detroit who used her gun against a critter that attacked her. She shot him several times, missed and the guy indeed ran away.

The Editors of the Tribune go through the usual primrose patch of “ZOMG! She could have killed someone! Bus Full Of Nuns and Orphans! Blood of the Innocent” as excuses not to allow good people be armed in buses (not a word about criminals already traveling with their guns) and somehow, to cap their long-winding discourse, they say that the lack of a dead body or a bleeding troll waiting for an ambulance proves concealed carry does not work.

Well, in their defense, they do make money when bodies fall to the ground. I am somewhat surprised that they don’t use red ink to print the “news.”

Women can’t have guns because it will be taken away from them and killed, right?

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (WSAZ) — A deadly shooting in Charleston is now believed to have been an act of self defense, according to police.It happened Saturday afternoon in the 800 block of 6th street on the city’s west side. Police say a man with a gun on him attacked a woman. They say after strangling her, she grabbed his gun and shot him once. The man died at the scene.

Source: UPDATE: Deadly Shooting in Charleston Believed to be Self Defense

Once again reality beats Bloomberg-Sponsored University “studies.”