Month: July 2015

Neil Young whining

I copied this from his Facebook page:

Streaming has ended for me. I hope this is ok for my fans.

It’s not because of the money, although my share (like all the other artists) was dramatically reduced by bad deals made without my consent.

It’s about sound quality. I don’t need my music to be devalued by the worst quality in the history of broadcasting or any other form of distribution. I don’t feel right allowing this to be sold to my fans. It’s bad for my music.

For me, It’s about making and distributing music people can really hear and feel. I stand for that.

When the quality is back, I’ll give it another look. Never say never.

Neil Young.

Dear Neil: You are full of it. It is about the money. You know why I know?

neil young cassette

You never bitched about sound quality when your music was selling in 8 Track or cassette.

That is unless you think tape hiss was something that actually improved your music.

And maybe it did.


Because Prosecutor’s misconduct never happens.

This story is bizarre, but it’s not all that unusual: Prosecutors can prosecute even the weakest, most clearly flawed cases relentlessly, and innocent people can end up in jail. This week, after two and a half years in prison, Mark Weiner saw his conviction vacated. It finally ended a saga in which Weiner was arrested, convicted, and sentenced to eight years in jail on charges of abducting a woman with the intent to sexually harm her.

Source: Mark Weiner conviction vacated: Chelsea Steiniger text case finally overturned.

I know I am a pest because i keep repeating the same song over and over, but it is unfortunately very true.  A man’s life was ruined because a derelict prosecutor created a case where none existed.

And I don’t know if it had any bearing, but I would not be surprised if it did.

The Albemarle County prosecutor, who is elected to the post, is currently Commonwealth’s Attorney Denise Lunsford.

Go read the article. It will scare you worse than seeing grandma naked.

Hiram residents hold watch at recruitment center.

HIRAM, Ga. -The morning after a deadly attack on two military centers in Chattanooga, residents in Hiram are standing watch outside the local recruiting office with their personal firearms. It is their unique way of honoring the fallen Marines and they said to protect the lives of those who serve in the military.

Source: Hiram residents hold watch at recruitment center – Atlanta News, Weather, Traffic, and Sports | FOX 5

When the SHTF, which do you think the recruiters rather have? People like the ones above or Moms Demand with their famous Lemonade Stand?

Hat Tip to Rob Morse.

A quick note on the Charlie Rangel Twitter Townhall.

The “gathering of ideas” to reduce Gun Violence happened. And there is no way to say but straight: I call it a disaster for Rep. Rangel.

I think Bob Owens may do a write-up in Bearing Arms, so I will leave to his better writing skills for a full description of the events. My opinion? It was a scripted event. Charlie did not answer questions from other that a very few (Three I think) people, one was Progressive group of some sorts, I forget the other, but the third one, a woman, got most of his (or his unpaid media intern) answers. If you clicked on the profile of the woman, you would see that she appears to be an active member of Moms Demand Action and I do not mean that she tweets a lot, but as in being involved in the Real World. Now, why do I say it was scripted? because in the last two minutes of the event, another seemingly innocent woman started to ask the same questions, word for word, to rep. Rangel.  She was kindly told that she was late and the original drone had already asked them.

My small contribution was to counter a few tweets done in Spanish for the Telemundo crowd.  Somewhere in NY, somebody is bitching about the “Tio Tomas” that screwed with their multicultural attempts for more Gun Control.

I was never good at lock-stepping anyway.

Oh Hell No! Moms Demand: You don’t get to wave the bloody Marine shirt. (Language Warning)

Perhaps you may have seen the last text that Lance Cpl. Squire Wells sent to his girlfriend before being murdered in a islamic terrorist attack by Pedophile Worshiper Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez. It is heartbreaking.

But the fucking vultures at Moms Demand could not keep their filthy claws away from the corpse, no sir. They had to drag their nail deep and pretend they fucking care all of the sudden and if people only would pay attention to their “common sense” ideas on Gun Control, none of this would happen.

Moms Demand Lance Cpl Squire Wells

The ban on military personnel carrying firearms go back to the Nixon era, specifically 1969 (I guess they were afraid that some draftee would shoot the shit out of a Drill Sargent) and reinforced during the G.H. Bush (No NRA Friend) and the Clinton Administrations. So, a subset of people who Moms Demand and the rest of the asshole cronies claim are the only ones trained enough to be allowed to carry guns, are in fact disarmed and they never had an issue with it and apparently still do not as we have not heard any of the fucking Gun Control hypocrites demanding that the ban be lifted.

Recruiting Stations and Reserve Centers are Federal properties or considered to be under the mantle of the Federal Government, that makes them Gun Free Zones, something that morons Shannon Watts and Michael Bloomberg endorse with all their mighty faith because they are magical places where bad guys do not go in, bullets do not fly and guns explode the moment they cross the invisible line denoting the enchanted force field.

Unfortunately, Life has a way to grab a big stinking pile of dog shit and rub it into reality. The “awesome” experiment of individual disarmament and allegedly “protected zones” keeps failing miserably. Four brave Marines paid with their lives for the masturbatory ideas of a few Intelligentsia assholes that will insist their solution works if only they can pass one more law and the Gun People stop being backwards and compromise. They are so right (according to them) that they are willing to get you killed to prove their point.

But why I am taking this case so personal? There has been other shootings in other Gun Free Zones, right? It is because I don’t see a clear solution for this Federal Gun Free/Disarmament madness. In the civilian side, we mostly fight at state level, some federal and engage in a war of attrition against a powerful enemy. Although we have suffered defeats, we have been winning more and more, even turning the tide as how the average person sees guns and the Second Amendment.  Now you tell me, How the fuck Am I to protect those who sworn to protect us all from Foreign Enemies when we have political Domestic ones painting big ass bulls-eyes on their backs?

I know the military is ruled under a different set of laws and regulations than the civilians, but even they have some similar basic rights even under the UCMJ. How can we ask these people to go out and get themselves killed in action when they are not even allowed to defend their families in their homes if they happen to be using military housing? What kind of sadistic and insane bullshit is that?

I read some time ago in an article (I hope I could remember who wrote it for attribution) that a terrorist could expect more return fire from the local WalMart than from a military base. It is a crying shame, but that is the absolute truth.

So Moms Demand and assorted bloody harpies: Lay the fuck off. I am sure there will be plenty of bodies in the of Chicago this weekend in which you can tap dance around their blood.

Two people playing Stupid Games.

And fortunately no Stupid Prizes were collected. Watch it all the way.

Idiot on the left..well, what can you say? Drunk or high with a BB gun trying to score.

Idiot on the left? If he felt threatened, why didn’t he shoot? And if he did not feel threatened (detected it was a BB gun) WTF are you doing playing with that thing? And specially getting physical with the robber? He was bullying/showing off with the gun (Pistol Whip) and if the other guy was not so screwed up, he could have gone for the real thing and we would have a mess.
