Month: July 2015

Not that far from reality.

CHICAGO—Highlighting increasingly dangerous conditions within the city, a new study published Monday by Northwestern University’s Department of Environmental Studies revealed that approximately 75 percent of the air in Chicago is now composed of bullets. “Far exceeding the levels of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and even oxygen, bullets now constitute three-fourths of Chicago’s air supply,” said atmospheric scientist and study co-author John Molina

Source: Environmental Study Finds Air In Chicago Now 75% Bullets – The Onion – America’s Finest News Source

And I think it is because the flag of the city resembles the Confederate Flag.

It is not stupidity. It is on purpose.

I have been avoiding The Trace, Bloomberg’s digital propaganda page, but I saw this mentioned over Weer’s and I had to butt in.

Next Wednesday, the Seattle city council will consider a new policy measure, a “gun violence tax,” that would add an excise of $25 to every firearm and five cents to each round of ammunition sold in the city. Funds raised in this manner would be dedicated to gun violence prevention and public health research. The city’s budget office projects the tax would raise between $300,000 and $500,000 per year.

Source: Seattle Proposes a Gun Tax That Could Make Wonks Swoon – The Trace

Click on Weer’s link for the math. I want to cover something else mentioned in the article:

The measure is what’s known as a Pigovian tax, named after early 20th century economist Arthur Pigou, and it’s the rare tax mechanism beloved by wonks across the political spectrum. Taxes like the proposed Seattle levy on guns and ammunition are like existing taxes on cigarettes or alcohol: They’re intended to disincentivize and defray the cost of harmful behavior.

Now, they are not charging that tax to the criminal element of the city (and I include the politicians in that lot), but to the law-abiding citizens that in no way or measure contribute to “gun violence.” It is like charging a multi-axle and excess weight highway fee to Motorcycle drivers; it simply does not make sense at face value.

But what it does (besides the immoral revenue collection) is to stamp ANY gun owner with the brand of criminal. Blaming Gun Owners for Seattle’s Government inability to curb crime (they seem to be more involved into smoking pot-laced tofu than facing reality) and come up with real solutions to the “gun violence” is hard. Instead they reach for the easy and failed faux solutions of the past.

Anyway, it seems that the policy will run afoul of Washington State’s pre-emption law. It should be interesting to see how it unfolds.


What’s with cats and boxes?

missy small box

She is not a small cat. You’d figure she would be comfier in the bigger one, but no. Apparently all cats tend to do the same and nobody knows for certain why.

I quote from that great philosopher and religious leader G’Kar of Narn.

“I suspect it’s one of those great universal mysteries which will either never be explained, or which would drive you mad if you ever learned the truth.”

He was talking about Swedish meatballs, but the same principle applies.


FBI Director’s apology for the failed background check not quite the Mea Culpa.

WASHINGTON — The man accused of killing nine people in a historically black church in South Carolina last month was able to buy the gun used in the attack because of a breakdown in the federal gun background check system, the F.B.I. said Friday.
Despite having previously admitted to drug possession, the man, Dylann Roof, 21, was allowed to buy the .45-caliber handgun because of mistakes by F.B.I. agents, a failure by local prosecutors to respond to a bureau request for more information about his case, and a weakness in federal gun laws.
“We are all sick this happened,” said James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director. “We wish we could turn back time. From this vantage point, everything seems obvious.”

Source: Background Check Flaw Let Dylann Roof Buy Gun, F.B.I. Says – The New York Times

And right after the heels of this “admission” comes this from Mayor Bloomberg’s Gun Control group:

everytown background check charleston

See? It was not the FBI per se or the local prosecutors or the asshole shooter Dylann Roof or the Confederate flag: It Was The Eeeeevil NRA!

Be ready, this means they will want to screw up with the National Instant Criminal Background Check System using Charleston as an excuse. Their target will be finally to impose Universal Background Checks across the land.

PS: Bob Owens reminds you that the FBI Director is more than willing to play  games (read “destroy”) with citizen’s Constitutional rights for political purposes.

PS 2: Bob chimes away via Facebook.

Everytown is blaming the 3 day rule… even though Roof didn’t purchase the gun until five days later. SCOTUS determined in 1997 that a 5 days wait was unconstitutional.


How’s that foot tasting, Ms. Ott?

venessa ott inside edition

And who is she?

vanessa ott


She works in media, Inside Edition:

Inside Edition delivers breaking news, entertainment news, videos, photos and more.

That is their tag line, so you figure she would at least make a quick Google Search. Nope, but she molds the news people watch. Explains a lot.

She deleted the tweet and apologized for her … mistake.


Hat Tip to Christine Z.