Month: August 2015

Jobs Available in NYC: Moms Demand is Hiring!

They are looking for Cultural Engagement Intern, Organizing and Training Intern and a Digital Campaigns Intern.

shannon r watts
“C’mon and work for me. “

Part time so no health benefits, but I am sure Bloomberg has an in for you to apply for Obamacare.

Perfect time to insert a cover NRA operative in the enemy’s headquarters.

PS: Did you notice the bit about 40,000 donors? No wonder they are hiring part-time only. I am sure it will be a livable wage for NYC.

Please Stop, You’re Not Helping.


Rest safe citizens of Ferguson, the Oath Keepers are on patrol!

On second thought… this is EXACTLY the wrong kind of image to be center state in Ferguson right now.  I get it, there is civil unrest.  A year ago there was looting and vandalism and riots.  You want somebody to keep the peace.  But this isn’t helping.

The reality as to what happened in Missouri a year ago are irrelevant at this point.  The narrative is in control this particular train and has the throttle wide open going into a dead man’s curve.  As far as the media and the public conscience are concerned there are only three important facts: dead black kid, white shooter, militaristic response by police to social injustice.  Guess what, the media just can’t wait for you to take a shot at another unarmed black kid to use you as an exemplar of the “racist, paranoid, white assault rifle owner.”

Go away.  I don’t care if you really were a Ranger or if you only played one online, you are fanning the flames and making the rest of us look bad.  And before you call me a hypocrite, the Koreans on the rooftops during the LA Riots were defending their business, not patrolling the streets looking like a Blackwater contractor guarding a VIP in the Green Zone.  Go home and get out of the spot light.  I don’t want to lose my AR because you didn’t know when to leave yours locked in the safe.

CSGV: A cult cannot survive without lies.

CSGV Kids texas

David Conley was a Felon. Legally he was barred from owning or even touching a gun, yet like many criminals do, they find one in the black market or from associates or friends.  I bet if you confront them with the lie, they will pull the equivalent of “may vs. can” and that they never actually meant to say he obtained the gun via a legal transaction.

Its followers don’t care about the lie. They are already into a frenzy of NRA blaming as if you or me actually pulled the trigger. They don’t even mention Conley or his long list of abuses against his family or even that the family followed the instructions many anti gunner tell us work and changed locks and filled restraining orders to “feel” safe. Conley gained access through a window, controlled three adults and then killed everybody without opposition or challenge…because you do not defend yourself least you may make them angry. Just give them what they want.

Unfortunately in this particular case, he wanted lives. He got them.

The plan did not work so well after all. Bloody oops.





Preemptive strike on Cornyn’s Mental Health and Safe Communities Act.

CSGV Moms Cornyn

It goes to an article in The Trace so I am not giving them any link love:

 Legislation introduced last week by Republican Senator John Cornyn of Texas would incentivize states to better report psychiatric records to the federal background check system. The bill drew praise from both the National Rifle Association and the National Alliance on Mental Illness. But some mental health experts warn that the proposal would actually reduce the effectiveness of the current background check system by limiting the number of records FBI inspectors can draw upon when deciding if someone can safely purchase a gun.

Here is the funny thing: S.2002, Mental Health and Safe Communities Act might have been introduced but as of today, the text has not been published yet.

So what are the Opposition bitching about? My guess mostly rumors and even some second-hand copy of a proposal, who knows? But I go back to my usual warning: Get the source, not what somebody else is telling you. I already seen some Chest Bumpers on our side decrying the bill because ‘squirrel!’ and the deep need to be outraged for no damned reason.

Let’s wait for the text to be published and keep an eye on the bill as it moves forward (or doesn’t) with the usual changes it may have.

That is all. You can continue to Tuesday.

Concealed Carry Permit Holders Across the United States.

A study by Lott, Whitley and Riley that you can download here.

Since President Obama’s election the number of concealed handgun permits has soared, growing from 4.6 million in 2007 to over 12.8 million this year. Among the findings in our report:

-The number of concealed handgun permits is increasing at an ever-increasing rate. Over the past year, 1.7 million additional new permits have been issued – a 15.4% increase in just one single year. This is the largest ever single-year increase in the number of concealed handgun permits.
-5.2% of the total adult population has a permit.
-Five states now have more than 10% of their adult population with
concealed handgun permits.
-In ten states, a permit is no longer required to carry in all or virtually all of the state. This is a major reason why legal carrying handguns is growing so much faster than the number of permits.
-Since 2007, permits for women has increased by 270% and for men by
-Some evidence suggests that permit holding by minorities is increasing more than twice as fast as for whites.
-Between 2007 and 2014, murder rates have fallen from 5.6 to 4.2
(preliminary estimates) per 100,000. This represents a 25% drop in the
murder rate at the same time that the percentage of the adult population with permits soared by 178%. Overall violent crime also fell by 25 percent over that period of time.

12.8 million people with concealed carry guns in the US of A. I am going to say it again:

12.8 million people with concealed carry guns in the US of A.

A comparison: It takes the top 25 countries with most active troops in the world to reach the same numbers.

Mind blown yet? No? Now for argument’s sake let’s say that those 12.8 million have at least 100 rounds of ammunition at home for defense and practice. That comes to 1.28 billion rounds of ammunition in civilian hands.

Consider my mind officially blown.