Month: October 2015

Everytown petitions President Obama to spread manure.

So Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown has an online petition running that unsurprisingly is full of “mistakes.”

Everytown Petition

Let’s go one by one, shall we?
Remove exemptions that let dangerous people carry guns near our children’s schools.

The key here is “dangerous.” Notice that they are not using words like criminals or felons. So who are those dangerous people? No idea, but if I were to bet, it would be gun owners in general. Also notice that they are not asking to stop people from carry in  schools but  near schools, so I am guessing that they want that infamous 5,000 feet “safe zone” around schools which was stupid once before and it has not improved with age.

Make sure high-volume gun sellers become licensed dealers and are required to conduct background checks for all gun sales.

There is no way on hell Everytown does not know that being a “high-volume gun seller” without a Federal Firearms License is already illegal. This is nothing more than an outright lie to make the uninformed believe that any Joe out there can call Smith and Wesson and have a truckload of guns sent to their home to do a Garage Sale on the weekends.

Ensure that federal law enforcement notifies local law enforcement when dangerous criminals try to illegally buy guns at dealers in their community.

In order for this to happen, the Federal authorities should actually start to give a damn when a dangerous criminal attempts to buy a gun. A staggering 98.5% of Brady Background checks are not fully investigated and they convict only 1/20th of those “dangerous criminals.”

Help states that require background checks for all gun sales to enforce existing laws on the books.

I am guessing this is coming from the downfall in Colorado where the Sheriffs have told the Legislature to go pound sand since they do not have the money to either perform every BG Check or investigate possible violations (IE: Sting Operations.) Unfunded mandates usually end up in the legal trash bin and they are afraid that their “gain” may be overturned.

Don’t let convicted domestic abusers buy guns just because they’re not married to the person they abused.

Again, pure BS. This is in the instructions of ATF form 4473.
Everytown Petition Domestic Abuser 1According to

A living arrangement in which an unmarried couple lives together in a long-term relationship that resembles a marriage.




So I will call this another case where Everytown is lying by saying that it is not covered by the law when indeed it is but the uninformed does not know.

Get ready folks, we are seeing the same tactics we saw under the Clinton Administration to pass the Assault Weapons Ban: Outright lies to be unchallenged by the Media and assorted Useful Idiots.

I am noticing a trend here.

The gunman who killed nine people at an Oregon community college before taking his own life ranted in writings he left behind about not having a girlfriend.

Source: News from The Associated Press

That makes what? Third Asshole that shoots people because they haven’t got laid? Do we need to start a GoFundMe to hire hookers or something?

If it saves just one life…I’ll be the pimp. Just call me Dr. Detroit.


Be careful what you wish for


Dear Ms. Clinton,

Please try and repeal the Protection of the Lawful Commerce in Arms Act.  I dare you.  I double dog dare you.  I had my identity stolen a few years ago.  At least one person opened up several credit cards in my name.  My tax return was collected by a different person twice.  My credit still hasn’t recovered which has caused me lasting problems in my ability to get a mortgage.

So please change the law.  I will raise an army of lawyers on the promise of contingency fees to sack the credit card companies, computer manufacturers, internet service providers, and everybody else my lawyers can think of for negligent in a class action suit by the victims of identity theft, for not being able to foresee that their products would be used by criminals for illegal activity that has caused me lasting damage.  People hate the credit card companies a lot more than they hate guns.  Please allow me to drag the fat cat CEO of a credit card company before a jury.  I will open the flood gates of litigation against your big bank donors.  So please, please, establish that a company can be held liable for the illegal actions of its customers.   I have a private island that I want to buy.

Her last name fits her feelings. 

Therefore the NRA should take its rightful place on the State Department list of terrorist organizations, because its influence is more of an immediate threat to the lives of our citizens than foreign terrorists.

Source: Stasi: State Dept. must list NRA as terrorist organization – NY Daily News

I caught the title and her name in somebody’s Facebook post yesterday. The writer of the piece is Linda Stasi which sent me into a full gale of laughter. How appropriate that somebody whose last name  is also deeply associated to one of the most infamous internal security services during the Soviet era is demanding to make five million compatriots Enemies of the State.

Shield for East Germany’s Ministry for State Security ( Ministerium für Staatssicherheit) or Stasi. 

You cannot make this stuff up.


Preach On, Brother Michael!

I am no longer interested in debating jackasses, whores and liars. I am tired of people threatening the lives of my friends, my family and myself, as we saw on Twitter yesterday, hoping to chum up another psychopath. I am sick to death of having it explained to me as if I was a 3 year old that when a fanatic Islamist commits an atrocity it is critical — CRITICAL — that I understand that all Muslims can’t be held accountable. But that when a single maniac kills someone, EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN SHOOTER must pay the price. Enough.

Source: The Michael Bane Blog: Enough

And I have to add that I no longer consider that the idea that a certain group or trend of individuals on the Left are vying for some sort of general strife against Gun Owners, a tin hat expectation anymore.

Maybe they are reading the writing in the wall and figure that unless they do something to change the course of things, their ideas will go down the toilet.  Gun Control groups re-brand themselves as “Gun Safety” groups and immediately go after any measure that would actually provide security. Think Tanks and Cognoscenti come up with studies indicating that we are in the most violent times we have ever lived, except that the statistics say otherwise, and in fact we are now living with a violent crime rate lower than when they started their great social experiment in the mid Sixties. We have a Mainstream Media that will purposely lie and alter audio, video and graphics so they can create “facts” to bolster the side off .

And we have the no-so-small fringe of truly fanatical Gun Control Advocates who have openly vowed to create false emergency calls so there is a deadly confrontation between police officers and gun owners. They are the same people you will find in social media allegedly preaching for peace but wishing death to gunnies and their families among wave after wave of the vilest insults you can propel against any human. Somehow the concept of advocating for less deaths by wishing wholesale massacre of fellow citizens being contradictory and inhuman does not seem to compute in their brains.

All of them are making a huge mistake: They are confusing our politeness and patience with weakness. And the few who do not, have the misconception that they will be spared of consequences. I just want to add that excuses like “I was following orders,” “I did not know what was going on” and “I had the best of intentions” died sometime in 1945.

As usual, I was going to plea for calmer mouths and cool thoughts for the Opposition. I don’t think that is no longer an option since they do not seem to want rational solutions. Whatever you wish for me and mine, we shall return to you tenfold.

Beware of the anger of a patient man.
Beware of the anger of a patient man.